Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween Doodles

Here are the unfinished Halloween/Autumn related pictures I promised.

I took the photo fuzzy for a reason, due to it being a WIP and whatnot. The characters as you can see are shaded and complete, its the background that's being the proverbial pain in the rear. Should have learned my lesson from my sketchbook cover.

So far I'm quite happy with it. I'll share more details about the picture and characters when I finally complete it. I've just been too ill/run down/working on pigeons to focus on much else.

And now for the uncoloured stuff.

Ginger as a 'Vampire Witch' (she always finds it hard to choose a costume this time ofyear so often just blends two together instead). I might still colour this on the computer, even if it'll now be late.

BF drinking tea! Which... isn't particularly spooky or Autumny or anything. But uh... he's wearing a jumper! An ORANGE jumper. At least it would be if I'd coloured it. Probably. Most likely not.
I haven't coloured him in orange before so maybe I'll try that.

Jerry (or Russell which is also being played about with in my mind. If anyone has a preference to hiis name, please let me know so I can settle this once and for all!) dressed as a chav and trick or treating. Don't worry, he won't do anything destructive, like smash your car in. I'd still give him some sweets just in case though.

Just a nice picture of Ruby walking. She's looking at leaves being blown through the air by the wind. I'm definitely gonna colour these at some point, depending whether or not I have the time and/or motivation.

And finally this one is just completely unrelated to Autumn and Halloween in general. I drew this dog-girl hybrid sometime ago and uploaded her to my blog but she's been through a few changes. Her name is now either Prism (due to the various colours she wears) or Snaps (a joke that works on two levels- nothing she wears ever matches and because she's best friends with Ginger- Ginger Snaps. Well, I thought it was funny). This one is definitely gonna be coloured although I might be a bit more experimental with this one.

So thats more or less it in terms of these doodles. Wish I'd gotten the coloured one finished, gutted that I didn;t but hey, no law saying I can't be late with it. Besides, I need to focus on my pigeon work the rest of the week due to hand in. I'll work more on these guys next week.

I hope you guys have had a good Halloween. We only had about six groups of kids come to the door. Not that I mind. More sweets and crisps for me!

... yeah, I just found this gif to be hilarious.


  1. REALLY liking the BF pose there, love, can't wait to see the finished product there, as well as Ruby who also came out fantastic. As for Jerry/Russell....hard to choose, I like them both as names, but maybe slightly leaning towards Jerry.

    Prism/Snaps...I think I like the sound of Snaps, I like the play off of Ginger, but I also think it's a suitable name for a character that's a bit more eccentric looking. Interesting to see her looking somewhat evil or mischievous here, compared to relatively happy images of her previously. I like what you did with the pose there.

    The last image is hillarious, I've seen that around. XD

  2. Meant to reply to this a long time ago, sorry about that! XD

    Thank you very much! I figured you'd like the BF picture! And I'm liking both of the names for him, might need to flip a coin at this point.

    Yep, I like Snaps too and I've decreed it pretty much official now :) Thanks so much for your help!

    She's more the mischievous type than evil. Kind of brash, prankster type but not the kind to be a total di- *cough* ahem, well, she's not the bullying type, we'll put it that way.

    Haha yeah I just say it the day I did this entry, made me snigger tons, I just had to put it in somehow XD


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3