Saturday 29 October 2011

Pigeon Progress: Pink's Flying Cycle (rough)

I've been quite productive today, I'd like to think. I wasn't able to work on Pink's flying cycle yesterday, I've been feeling a tad run down and icky, which I blame on the seasons changing. Bastards.

However, today, I sent off my Pictoplasma Yeti and I've done the rough of Pink's flying cycle. I'm actually quite proud of it and I think it's my favourite one yet. Not perfect but the wings have turned out better than I was hoping. Hopefully they'll still look as good when I lineart the rough frames.

I did something different with this one than with  the other ones. As the body's movement wasn't any different throughout the sequence and the wings were the main things moving, I decided to put the body and wings on separate layers, only moving the body up and down as the wings flapped accordingly.

I've just realised that I haven't put up Tweak's sequence yet. Its not finished, I still need to tweak it (yes, they've had enough of that joke now) but the general point is how unhinged this pigeon is.

This one has definitely taken the most frames so far I think.

Tonight I hope to have Green's sequence rough complete by tonight. If so, I'll be further along than I thought!

Oh, and I actually forgot to upload this. The finished Spirit Day picture. Ginger being a friend and telling whoever is looking at the poster that there is always someone there to support them and that things will get better. The idea is for whoever sees the poster to feel comforted, especially if they can relate to the situation. Posters like that have always been my favourite.

Probably cheesy a bit but considering the topic matter, it will being someone comfort knowing that they are supported for who they are.

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