Tuesday 25 October 2011

Pigeon Progress and Halloween Doodles

This week started out interesting. Interesting in that I came into college yesterday without the knowledge that it was a staff training day (thanks for the memo Dave! But yeah, not fair of me to keep on your case about it when I've already forgiven you. Cos I'm so nice and all) and so I basically just turned tail and headed home. Didn't get up to much pigeon-wise but I did do some character notes on Ruby and co. So... at least I was somewhat productive, even if it was on the wrong thing.

Oh, and I got to watch a boatload of Regular Show, Amazing World of Gumball and Spongebob. You know, for research.

As for today, I managed to get more done with my pigeon work. I made the tail fold in and meet Lilac's head when she puffed up. Here is the rough version.

Once that was tweaked to satisfaction, I linearted the frames in Illustrator and then reopened, copied and pasted them all into Photoshop to animate. I think the lineart itself has improved the movement. If that even makes sense.

Now I have completed two cycles/sequences of two characters. I am abandoning working further on Lilac's courting dance for the time being as I want to show the other characters movements in the project. Starting tomorrow, I will get cracking and hopefully have the rough linetests done by Sunday night.

As of right now, I'm home chilling and feeling in a kind of autumn/Halloween kind of mood. Before I knew it, I doodled Ruby as a Rabid werewolf or something. Could be her costume for this year, she's never been terribly inventive in that area. She'd just tear some old clothes up a bit and use whipped cream as froth.

I think I'll draw more of these, they're quite fun.

I'm considering calling my comic Underdogs... namely due to the mainly canine main cast. Not sure if its too cliche though. I think I'll dwell on it for a while. Has a nice ring to it though...

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