Thursday 3 November 2011

Work All Done and Snaps says Hi!

I planned on being complete by Thursday with everything so I can just hand it in and sign it off on Friday. And I've achieved that.

And it's weird. I'm done with the project. Everything's covered from what I can tell, all printed out and put in files, all the animations burned to a disc, all of the elevations FINALLY printed out to be mounted on foam board tomorrow... it's just so unnatural that there is nothing to stress about the day before hand in. Everything is ready yet I'm still on guard. Guess I'm so used to cramming at the last minute with stuff despite how well I plan that I don't know how to react if I have time to spare.

Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually quite chuffed with myself.

My work is sitting at the end of my bed, five files containing separate sections of work: character skill development in writing, my colouring and linearting methods, all versions of the script, concept art and research. Quite a lot to show. I'm a bit hazy which goes into which module however, hopefully I'll have that cleared up tomorrow. I also have the blog title printed to show and the disc containing all the line tests.

And with all the character sheets and elevations being at college... mmyep, guess I'm done.


So to celebrate, I decided to colour that picture of Snaps (Thanks for the feedback Brandon!) that I showed you gius in the previous entry. It was quite fun choosing colours and patterns fr her clothes that just didn't match, it's something of a change for someone who likes to draw characters clothed colour co-ordinating.
And I hadn't drawn any Underdog characters using the lineless style for some time now so I decided why the heck not. I love using Illustrator for the lineart, it makes the edges look that much smoother.

It's still a little smudgy and I've missed colouring in small areas. I hate being sloppy yet I still have my moments where I am. Blah. Well, I was mainly colouring this because I'd run out of work to do and I was tired so yeah. Totally valid excuse.

That said, I really love how this came out. The pose is especially dynamic and it challenged me a bit. In fact, this while picture did, from the colours to the various contrasts to the character herself. I think Snaps is gonna be fun to work with.

Well, off I toddle! Next time you hear from me I'll have handed all this stuff in and be working on some Underdog stuff or doing whatever they sometimes give us over the week break. Or both. But I'll most likely be sleeping off my impending ailment. It's waiting to strike once I hand all my work in and the relief washes over me; I can feel it.




  1. wooooo congrats!!! That's a lot of files! Looking forward to seeing more of this as it continues : )

  2. Thanks so much AshBob! Much appreciated :)

    Yeah, it is indeed XD I have a lot to say as you can see. Which proves to be very useful when I have to write essays and such!

    I'm so happy you like it, I'll definitely be posting more stuff once I get the chance. Thanks again!


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3