Friday 14 October 2011

Obligatory Friday Update (with added SMART)

Haha, never mind then, I suppose you'd need to go home to feed my fish as they're blocked at college. If you care that much!

Anyway, today we have the obligatory blog entry where we have to reflect on the stuff we've done this week. However, I think I've kind of already done this in my previous entries this week. Curse my pro-activeness! It always leaves me with nothing to say every Friday! Still, I am being assessed, especially on the weekly entries so I better think of something to say. David is currently telling us to make SMART targets which will help us plan and help him assess our work. Sounds fair.

I think I'll start with a little bit of reflection. This week, I managed to sketch, lineart and colour my walk cycle. I have also created a design for my Pictoplasma monster, which I have yet to lineart and colour, however we have been told that we will do more about that today. I got inspired to animate expressions of my dog/koala (which I am considering naming Jerry, jury's still out on that) and finally, I took the chance to upload work I have done in my spare time, traditional colouring experiments and also explored potential story arcs and their own individual personalities and insecurities, which I believe makes a character truly come to life.

Onto my SMART targets for next week:

S- I will complete two more line tests next week- Lilac puffing up her chest to look intimidating and also another of her doing her courting dance. As a side project, I will work on a small animation of Jerry's expressions.

M- I am planning to have these done this time next week. However, if I have the time, I will do another cycle involving either Pink, Green or Tweak. Otherwise, I'll work on them next week.

A- It is hard to be specific with my goals as I feel much more pressured to achieve them. I've never had many problems with deadlines as long as they're set by other people. Not sure how that works. However, that said, I do work incredibly fast and therefore I believe that I should be able to get three line tests done at most, provided I don't colour them. If I do, it would take at least a couple of extra days.

R- As I said before, I work fast so I don't believe that I'll struggle too much with this. As far as relevance to any of my other work, such as showing work I do in my spare time, I believe this shows variety in my work, allows me to loosen up and stops me from going stir crazy from drawing pigeons all the darn time. It also gives me the chance to explore the individual characters in detail, their personalities, likes, dislikes, better qualities, flaws and so on. And I just love doing that. It's been a great help to me, especially with my pigeon characters.

T- I'm planning on a week to do at least two linearts. If I get the chance to do Jerry's expressions, that will be great (and give me a break from animating pigeons). As far as threats go, I don't think there are many, if any at all. If anything, it would be procrastination but even then I'm always able to get things done.
Provided my computer doesn't freak out like Ashleigh's did.

So yeah I think thats pretty much everything relevant for the time being. Nothing too insightful this time. In that case, I will end this entry by bragging about THE LION KING 3D AND HOW I WILL BE SEEING IT IN A FEW HOURS. SUCKAS.

... you know. For research!

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