Wednesday 5 October 2011

Walkin' on by!

We were given our next module at the start of the week (well, I was given mine yesterday due to not being well and whatnot) which is basically the next step of the production. We have to research simplistic character designs, see what techniques are used that we can apply to our own work and then see if our chosen animation tools and programs will work when we actually get started on our work.

To do this, we will be doing walk cycles of our characters and reaction shots that relate to what is happening in the script. This is so we can find out for a fact if the programs or tools we want to use for the animation will really work in terms of time management and creating an effective final product. Fair enough, we want to be sure that our chosen method will help rather than hinder progress. Personally I'm not too worried as I will be using illustrator and Photoshop to colour and lineart the characters. However, I am debating learning flash and I would also like to learn Adobe After Effects to animate. Jasc Animation Shop 3 can only go so far after all.

As I need to do a walk cycle and all of my characters are pigeons, I will need quite a bit of help and any references I can find. Pigeons have quite a peculiar way of walking, bobbing their heads due to their body shape and how the muscles and bones are connected. Or something, I have no idea ultimately. I should learn as it would probably help. For now however, I have looked at various walk cycles and animations of pigeons on youtube in order to see what other animators have done and how I can use their techniques and apply them to my work.

Will add detailed annotations once I get home.

Unrelated but couldn't resist linking it. Someone should probably make one of these for Pink...

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