Friday 10 February 2012

Weekend, get here faster!

Not that I've had a bad week or anything, just... I need to sleep. Like, a lot. I just can't sleep till 1pm during the week anymore! Well, maybe on Thursdays.

Anyway, here is the obligatory Friday update, basically outlining what I did this week and what I plan to do over the weekend and next week and whatnot. This is what I've done since Monday:

  • Was told to consider what to put in a portfolio. I had intended to come into college yesterday to go over it with David but it turns out I wasn't able to due to a driving lesson and other scheduling conflicts. I actually realised this after going home on Monday evening and intended to tell him but I haven't seen him since. Hopefully I'll straighten this out today.
  • Designed the new Cocktail Hour poster. And seem to be in demand to be a guest on the show. Naturally this does wonders for my super sensitive ego.
  • Started colouring the opening sequence. The backgrounds are finished and Tweak flying, crashing into and sliding down the pole are all coloured, exported and added to the new After Effects file. Now I just need to finish Tweak's freakout sequence. I intend to have this complete for Sunday.
  • Developed a new character. Well, I say developed, more developed her design if anything. I need to work on her personality that bit more, flesh it out a little more.
  • Inspired someone to create their own character based on Crumbs. Rachel, don't stop being awesome. Now I have to design that character for her series. I wonder if she needs any more birds or cats though... I'll talk about it with her.
Now for the much anticipated weekly SMART targets. With added .gif for extra awesome.

... what? I never said it would relate to anything. Sometimes epic has no connection.

S- Specifically, I want to have the opening sequence completely coloured and added to After Effects by Sunday. After that, I want to continue as much of the animation as I can. As I'm attempting to be specific here, I want to have the animation from the man throwing the breadcrumbs to Pink collapsing in front of Lilac and Blue by next Sunday. (This won't make as much sense if you haven't actually seen the whole animatic. Unfortunately you won't on the blog any time soon. Sorry about that.)

M- I'll definitely manage getting the first sequence done in two days and the second done in a week. It doesn't take too long to colour the characters and as the backgrounds are already complete, I don't need to worry about that. 

A- I don't really see why I couldn't achieve this as for reasons previously stated- the backgrounds are done and characters don't take long to lineart and colour. So it's safe to say these goals are achievable.

R- Working on the animation is my top priority and as both goals have to do with working on said animation, I'd say these goals are pretty relevant to what I have to do.

T- I've given myself two more days to finish the first sequence and a week from Sunday to finish the second. Sounds like I really enjoy repeating myself repeating myself repeating my self repeating myse- *SMACK* I'm an idiot.

Oh, I also need to do a monthly plan or something. Which I meant to do sooner. Sooo... I'll work on that this weekend too.

Before I finished typing this entry (seriously, these smart targets take me so long to figure out), Dave offered me and a few of my friends some work experience with The Big Draw in Darlington, where we'll be the first people to actually do something animation related for the festival. We'll be given some drawings other people have done and inbetween them to morph the objects into one another (at least, that's what I'm understanding so far. That might change once we've spoken to the work placement person). I've been needing some work experience under my belt and it sounds like a fun project so I happily volunteered.

As well as this, we've all just finished a talk about various competitions to enter. All animation based for th emost part but some have sections for illustration which I think I will enter. I've been wanting to find an excuse reason to explore my illustrative skills and what better reason than a competition that will broaden my experience and be another thing to add to my CV? No fails here in my book.

Anyway, I'll look into all this further and leave you all with another pointless but spiffy .gif. 

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