Friday 17 February 2012

Having an Off Day From Being Epic

I... sadly didn't really meet my targets this week.

I'm my defence (excuses, excuses) I was ill on Wednesday and only really managed to complete the Underdog's image. I have done a Crumbs Valentine image, I did get the opening sequence complete and I've added the human throwing crumbs to the pigeons but I didn't get as far as I wanted to. I think I might need to change a few angles from the animatic, maybe have a close up of the pigeons as they fly down rather than a long shot of them with the human being. I mean, the guy doesn't even do anything after throwing the crumbs so it does seem a bit pointless keeping him in the shot for so long. 

Here's a shot of where I'm up to so far though.

I might need to modify the pigeons a bit as well, they seem a bit small... if I remember correctly, pigeons are normally a bit bigger than portrayed here.

But yeah, long story short, I didn't get what I planned on getting done done and I'm a terrible person.

However, at the very least, I do know what I want to have finished. I have been thinking and as my first interview is drawing nearer, I need to figure out what is going in my portfolio and what isn't. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here yet or not but my external hard drive got damaged and there's a chance I've lost everything on it. Thankfully Ashleigh's stepdad is known for looking into such things. I swear, she saves my ass more often than necessary. But if he's able to retrieve the files and fix the hard drive then everything will be well again and I'll be forever in the Edmonds' debt.

Anyway, on with the plan of this week! I have a lot I need to get done, mainly portfoliowise, which I believe should be the main priority this week. And not buying MLP toys online which I've also been doing (which reminds me, I should have four of them arrive today... and I still need to get one of the recolours... and the Cheerilee and Cutie Mark Crusaders...)

S- It's a bit hard to be specific at this point but I intend to have a clearer idea of what to include in my portfolio. I know I need to include last years projects (if I'm able to retrieve them) and this years for sure but I also want to include projects I've done in my spare time like portraits, Underdog work and Crumb's work (that's not entirely related to the animation). I also want to redo a few things, such as walk cycles and morphs... so I suppose I'll include that as a priority. OK then, specific targets are walk cycle and morph.

M- I intend to have these two things in the portfolio so yeah, they're pretty important. I'm not happy with the one's I have currently and as I want my portfolio to be impressive, I'm taking this opportunity to make them better. They shouldn't take longer than a week.

A- I'm sure it shouldn't take longer than a week to get these done. Then again, here's hoping my motivation and general health doesn't go down the tubes again. I think I need to get my sleeping pattern back in order... a task which is long overdue to be complete, let me tell you.

R- As my interviews are coming up, working on my portfolio is a priority as this is what the interviewers at the places I've applied for will see and so of course I want them to be impressed with what they see.

T- I'll get cracking over the weekend on the walk cycle and morph. Hopefully those will be done by the end of sunday so I can chose various pictures, make a show reel and redo certain images if I so wish. Once those are done, I'll focus back on Crumbs.

Well that seems like a basic enough plan. I'm going to go on Youtube for a while to try and find motivation/inspiration/goof off. In the meantime, here's a .gif of Spike dancing.


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