Friday 2 March 2012

Busy Week

... *collapses* Whew!

Yep, it's been something of a busy week for me. The main thing has been my portfolio to present at my Northumbria interview, which went very well. When the person who would speak to us told any parents/accompanying friends that we would be busy for at least two hours, I was surprised when it turned out I wasn't even there for an hour. Well, unless you count the time I was sitting there waiting for the interviews to start. Where I live, I can only get a train once an hour on the hour and it's much better to get the early one than the late. Especially when the tour started at 1pm.

But yes, we had a quick tour of the area where all the various animation, photography, graphic design and various other art students work, leading into a short but sweet presentation and question time and finishing with interviews. I was surprised to be told that I would be the first one but basically I did the good old trick of letting my mouth run away from me while somehow making it relate to what I was showing. That's a vital life skill, y'know.

Anyway, I brought with me my laptop with all my digitally coloured artwork on the PowerPoint, about six sketchbooks that I had started working on since I started the course (both college work and otherwise) and the pigeon's character sheets and elevations. The woman I spoke to (Ellie, I think her name is called... I suck at names, I'm sorry if you're reading this!) was very happy with my work and said I'd have no problem with the various traditional means and character designing. However, I wouldn't be able to enter the third year if I were to attend Northumbria as knowledge of Maya, the 3D program (gulp!) is needed to get through to said third year. She said that if she could (if I were to be accepted obviously, which I won't find out until after Easter), she would try to get me into the second year with extra training in Maya to catch up. That's if I get in of course and if I choose to go there if I am. I still need to attend my Newcastle interview and see what's in store for me there after all.

Even so, I'm just gonna leave this here. This was actually for my Facebook page to show I passed my theory test over a month ago but eh.

I love how smug I look for some reason.

Anyway, we're gonna be off next week but I'm still planning on using my time productively. I'm going to sort out this problem of showing Lilac and Blue once and for all. And also I want to take the time to do more Underdogs art. Cos it really has been a while since I focused on them. I'll probably not be all that productive this weekend, Monday and Tuesday as I'll be visiting my friend Ellen in Liverpool. So that's... five more days until the Monday after that to be productive. I think it can be done.

As of now, I have to print out a few things, put my animatic and coloured frames on a disc and leave them here for presentation. Here's a pointless .gif because... of reasons I can't quite think of just now.


  1. What course did you apply for? That's a bit crap about Maya... I've got my Northumbria interview next week, so this is quite helpful :)

    1. I can't recall the actual name... I think it was something like Animation and Motion Graphics. It basically covers various animation techniques like our course does except they use Maya rather than Cinema 4D.

      Eh, it's no big I suppose... Northumbria is my second choice so if I'm not able to get in it won't be so bad. And they said I could get extra training if they do get me in so it's all good.

      Glad this could help you, good luck with your interview! :D


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3