Monday 7 February 2011

Ident Shenanigans Week 2

As the title suggests, we are now into our second week of this project and so far things have been rather slow for me. Not so much in terms of ideas- I've had a few come to me, complete with character designs. I already have a short animation more or less planned out in my head that I hope will be used. However, I'm rather behind in storyboards, proposal and presentation and am hoping to have all three done by the end of the day, as well as my Sound module to resubmit (God help me).

As well as this, we need to design a lean, thin character. As long as it falls into that rather vague description in some fashion, we can do more or less anything. I have a few ideas for this but the presentation and resubmission work is taking priority as of right now.

After a short heart attack due to realising there are only four weeks after this one to complete this project, I'm determined to keep on top of everything. I don't find time plans easy to follow as I always end up deviating or getting things finished either before or after the stated date and it throws things out of kilter for me. However I will try much harder to stay focused on it.

Finish my presentation and storyboard ideas to present tomorrow.
Present previous ideas and when I am given the go-ahead for a specific idea, I will begin drawing up the concept artwork and key scenes. Also keep on top of writing aspect of work.
Start designing backgrounds for characters and work on a coloured storyboard of my ideas. As well as this, start on five designs for thin character for separate project.
If frames are done on paper, scan them in for colouring. If drawn directly from tablet, continue colouring and drawing.
Take screenshots of work and type up progress. Possibly mention art styles that have inspired me and reflect on how it is influencing my work so far.

I'm worrying about how I will get all of the work I need done today along with my resubmission. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get everything done!

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