Monday 28 February 2011

Final Week for Ident Work

As stated, this is the last week that we can work on the idents. I'm only slightly concerned as I didn't get the chance to work on many frames at the weekend, mainly due to a trojan virus which somehow got onto my computer (surprising as my security system is equal to solid brick walls and moats with crocodiles). All is well though, with all traces of the virus gone and my work and frames thankfully still intact. Not that I hadn't saved them in other places but its a relief all the same.

Also still battling some stomach virusy like thing. Excuses excuses I know but when both you and your computer are ill, it does tend to hinder the time you can spend on your work. But I have dragged my sorry backside out of bed with the intention of finishing all my work, including the remaining stuff from AD102.

With all that said, lets have a looksee at my time plan for the week.

Get a'chuggin' on with those ident frames! I've already added in the wolf to most of the opening frames and the remaining work will be quick to complete. I estimate I will have it completely done in the next two days. Wednesday is my aim. Also when get home, work on obtaining sound effects.

Continue work on the frames. Thats all. Just frames. FRAMES. AND MORE FRAMES. GET THEM DONE. DEFEAT THEM AAALL MWAHAHAHAHA *cough* *choke* ... ahem, yes. Basically get them complete in time for tomorrow. Most of them if not all.

Focus on writeup of ident and AD102 work. Try and remember information about the life drawing week and print out version of finished pic (possibly in A3). Gather all work together ready for hand in. Save things to appropriate discs.

Today will gather work ready for sign off, complete before 3pm if not complete already. If sign in work, will be unnecessary to come in tomorrow.

If work not signed off on thursday, sign it off today. Otherwise, sleep in til teatime. Its needed, believe me.

I hope to finish the ident work by wednesday so I can upload it to YouTube and share it with the blog. I also have to upload my morph around then as well before hand in.

Now that I have a solid time plan, its time to get cracking!

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