Monday 28 February 2011

Cautiously Optimistic...

To make up for the fact that I haven't been keeping on track with a lot of my blog updates, bar the obligatory monday morning update, I'm going to now bore you all with my progress so far.

Well, I'm feeling very optimistic. Red and the Wolf have officially met and Red isn't especially happy to see the biscuit snatching brute. Whatever will she do? To be animated...

I've added the wolf into the opening frames stealing Red's basket. At first I was worried, as the wolf's movements seemed very stiff in comparison to Red and that would be more frames that I would have to put in, which I didn't want to do, considering our impending doom... er, deadline. However, I solved the problem by thinking like this- I used less frames for the wolf because I wanted his actions to be faster. What also sometimes adds to the illusion of speed is blurring the character. I blurred any parts of the wolf that would be moving and played the frames in Animation Shop to look at my progress. The wolf's movements look more fluid yet fast as they are supposed to be.

I have also added in the quick reaction take of Red- she looks back upset before getting angry. A cute little pout which is also intimidating.This was easy to draw out but when I played the frames in AS, it looked like Red was shrinking as she got angrier. I wasn't able to keep her size consistent. However, this was easily solved. All I did was open the photoshop files of the first few frames of the sequence, merge the lineart and colouring of the character together, and resize her, using a future scene as reference. It looks much better now.

Now that that is out of the way, its time to get onto drawing the Wolf's comeuppance. This should be jolly fun. Poor scribbled sucker doesn't know what he's in for...

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