Tuesday 17 April 2012

Pictoplasma Part One

And this time I hasn't taken a month to type up the blog entry. Aww yeah.

*ahem* Well, I have a lot I want to talk about and I think if I put it all in the one entry people would want to blow their brains out due to the length although that's going by the possibility that people read this thing. So because I'm so super nice and awesome, I'm splitting my Pictoplasma shenanigans into maybe two or three entries; less words and blathering for your reading pleasure. Although it's moreso because I left my camera at home and can't upload the photos and video clips because I haven't transferred them to my laptop yet. But lets just pretend it's the first reason, shall we?

So, for this entry I'll talk about my favourite screenings and conferences. After this I'll talk about the character walk, then share my favourites of the many sketches I did and then (MAYBE if I get this done) upload a short video of all the clips I did if my time in Berlin. I took the time to do some videoing and whatnot; figured I could use the chance to get back into working with filming and editing.

I think it's only fitting to start with the Pictoplasma Festival 2012 video.

Now for the screenings. They were as weird and wonderful as you'd expect, especially if you'd been to Pictoplasma before. I won't be able to share every single one as there are too many and I might not be able to find them all on Youtube but I'll try and find as many of my favourites as I can.

(Sadly with this one I could only find the trailer. Apparently you can buy it on iTunes though.
I recommend it!)

(There are actually more of these. Note to self, check them out later!)

(Another I could only find the trailer for. Pity as this is a good one! Quite sad though.)

(I wasn't able to find the whole thing but this was one of the funniest bits)

... wow, that's actually more than I thought I'd have. And thats actually not all of my favourites, I do have more. Sadly I wasn't able to find them all. Once I do I'll maybe put them on here to share with you all.

Well, this is kind of awkward. I was gonna talk about the conferences next on this same entry buuuut... it's running kind of long already. I guess I'll do that when I get home later today instead, let all this goodness sink in first.

Not to mention I want to head back homeward soon as I'm a little worried about my car. It's the first time I drove to the train station alone and left it there so I guess I'm having some kind of parental over protectiveness over it. Hopefully that'll pass the more I use it. Not to mention the suspension went over one of the wheels while I was in Berlin. Yikes.

Anyhow, forgive me for my non-Pictoplasma/animation rambling. I'll be back later with part two, where I'll discuss the conferences and maybe the character walk. Huh. Maybe it will take me a month after all.


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