Thursday 19 April 2012

Crummy Little Interlude

This might be one of many as... well, this is quite awkward actually... I can't find my camera cable to transfer the clips and images. Seriously, it's like, gone. Normally it's always been there yet the one time I desperately need the bugger, it packs it's bags and pisses off to... well, somewhere that's not here.


Inconsiderate pile of- *AHEM* anyway. Never mind though, that just means I'll have to do those updates later.

So until then, here's a little something I just did. Callum told me about this nifty spiffy (See Rachel? I didn't say it!) program that can record whatever you're doing on screen- Camstudio I believe it's called. With this, I'll be able to maybe start doing speed paints and show all you totally interested folks how I make artings.

This was a mere practice though. Hence why it's completely shit.

Yeeeeah, not the best in the world. But once I get acquainted with Camstudio and my editing programs, I'm certain the quality will pick up a tad. Here's hoping anyway!


  1. Hey Emma thanks for posting about the Camstudio, i had never heard of it before. It looks good :)

    1. Hey Linsey!

      Glad I could help. It's a free download as well; just type it into google and it should be the first one :)


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3