Wednesday 9 May 2012

Relevant to my Interests

... maybe I should have a separate blog for non drawing/animating stuff?

Then again, this kind of relates. Sort of. The bag particularly. For the design was done by Gemma Correll who is fast becoming one of my favourite illustrators after finding out about her at Pictoplasma last month. I already got one of her tote bags when I went to Berlin, the Pugs before Drugs one. So when I saw this particular one on her online shop, I couldn't resist.

And when I saw that Pinkie Pie necklace on eBay, I couldn't resist that either. I'll be showing off both tomorrow. I have so much swagger I could die.

And take all of you with me.

I so would.


Oh yeah, PPD stuff is pretty much done and dusted now. Thank GOD. And the trailer has been edited to work better together. All that's really left to do now is add the final few sound effects and render the trailer, put that and both show reels on a disc, sort out how I'm going to present my portfolio and do that, do the portfolio commentaries and evaluation, scramble to finish the portfolio/show reel research that I just remembered I still have to do bugger bugger FUCK.

... the only reason I'm going to bed tonight is because I'm a driver now and don't want to fall asleep behind the wheel tomorrow. I'm doing this for all the ungrateful bastards on the road who won't acknowledge my pain. BLAME THEM. Jerks.

*grumble* Come on everypony, smile smile smile, fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine...


  1. THAT BAG! ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. I know, right? It's AMAZING. I love these bags. You should check this place out :D

  2. That bag makes me wish I was from Glasgow ;_;

    1. Even if you weren't born there, you can still belong there! :D


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3