Thursday 17 May 2012

More Bounty!

I should probably have a separate blog to upload the pointless, non animation related stuff to. I think the only reason I haven't by now is because I don't have a big enough ego to assume people actually give a rats ass what I do outside of cartooningeringering. 'Til then, here's a couple of really crummy photos of the last of my eBay orders. Mum wasn't impressed with having to answer the door to a huge ass box at ten past seven in the morning. Since when did the postman deliver that goddamn early?

I really need to get a better camera as well. The Blackberry sucks at this sort of thing.

Then again, I suppose you could kind of say these things are animation related, at least as far as I'm concerned. My Little Pony and Lilo and Stitch have been a big source of inspiration in my work so it makes sense that I'd want to have the occasional (plentiful) muse from both things here and there. Although admittedly, the main reason is I just like to collect this stuff and just need a decent excuse to do so.

And money. Lotsa money.

Anyway, might as well mention any work I've done the past few days. Which is none. After handing all my work in, my brain seemed to literally switch off and I slept for days, running on auto pilot. I think I'm going to need to come to terms with the fact that this is a regular occurrence after finishing projects and just leave a few days open for sleeping, skyping, various daily necessities and then sleeping again. I think I'm starting to get out of that funk now though as I've felt that doodlin' itch start to come back. I'm repressing it for now as I know if I do, I'll doodle endlessly as soon as I get to pencil to paper. If I drew now, I'd get frustrated that it wasn't turning out right and then give up for another few days which is the exact opposite of what I want.

But yeah, I will try to keep this blog more so about my work and less so about the awesome stuff I got off the internet. After all, my fabulousness isn't what I'm getting marked on, right?


... I'll go now.

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