Wednesday 9 May 2012


Remember that picture I mentioned last night? The one that for some reason kept switching the colours on me? Well I finally got that crap sorted out today and was able to complete the picture.
I wanted to colour that loopy armed doodle of me that I sketched in Berlin. You remember the one. Basically it was a non coloured, sketchy version of this:

And because of the style, I decided to do a black and white version as well.

I'm quite happy with both versions personally! Now the question is... which one goes into the portfolio...

Speaking of, I should have that complete by the end of tomorrow. Or rather, I'm praying to have this done by tomorrow. Serious praying time needed. And I don't even do that sort of thing. I'm not good at this whole Catholic business.

See, I'm unsure of whether or not I need to have it printed a certain way. A3 seems the most likely route to take but it also seems the most expensive. I'll pop in tomorrow and see Dave about it I suppose. I also want to figure out how to do a PDF (yeah, it's PDF, Emma you twat) version and I'm considering doing a portfolio tab here to show work alongside my Crumbs, Underdogs and college projects. Namely this piece as it doesn't actually fit into any of those categories.

I guess I'll think that one out in more detail. For now, I should really get cracking on finishing this PPD nonsense. Or maybe first editing the trailer to make it run smoother. Yeah, I'll do that.

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