Friday 19 August 2011


Just two things for me to have in my blog to look back on if I ever get that dreaded self doubt. Which happens more often than I'd like it to. I blame whatever I ate last night.

Which was Thai BBQ Chicken. That was some damn good chicken.

.. *ahem* well, anyway, we all have our off days where we feel we can't draw something just right or how we're not as good as someone else we admire. Such things can make someone feel like their work isn't worth anything. It's a crappy feeling and if you're anything like me, makes you feel next to worthless. For want of a less dramatic way to put it.

So when I discover something online that hits home or makes me feel better or gives me something to aspire to, I always itch to share it with someone in the hopes that they find it useful as well.

First is something from an interview with J.K Rowling, one of my favourite authors and also a very inspirational figure of mine. She's a humble woman who started writing her wonderful series in a coffee house with barely a pot to pee in. She went through many many rejections before someone finally recognised the genius of Harry Potter. That alone rises my spirits and gives me hope that if I keep on trying, no matter how often my own work gets rejected, I'll experience that same joy.

Another thing I found inspirational was a MLP comic from a dA user called Capt~Nemo, featuring my favourite character Rainbow Dash. Everytime I see something like this featuring her, it reminds me of my own dream and how I want to imagine looking back on my life and be happy with what I've achieved.

... I know, this has gotten ridiculously sappy. I look into crap way too much; it's a curse.

Anyhow, here's a link to the comic:
On an artistic front, I also like the layout of the comic; it's incredibly creative how the different stages of Dash's life transitions into the next, especially near the end how it fades to greyscale when we reach her old age. Subtle things like that just amaze me to no end.
You'll also be able to look at their gallery as well. They've captured the style of the show perfectly, it's unbelievable.

Anyhow, I promise I'll upload something relating to work I've done! I intend to in my next entry which I'll put up after this. I just wanted to share something that made me feel so much better about my work and not to give up when it seems no one's interested in what I have to offer. After all, self doubt is the only thing that can truly end one's aspirations.

Right, I'm done being all preachy and whatnot now. Rainbow Dash says hi!

Picture taken from:

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