Wednesday 17 August 2011

Don't Force Your Style

Being the swotty so and so that I am, I'm constantly looking for inspiration and helpful tips online or anywhere I can. If I find something, anything, that a fellow artist/cartoonist/whatever can relate to or find useful, I don't hesitate to put it on here in the hopes that it will help someone out. Here, I found something that I know will help me and hopefully help someone else stress a little over their work too.

I have my moments where I feel like I can't draw for crap or when I try to recreate something in my drawing style, I make it look too bad. but after finding this, I realise it's silly to worry so much over it. Style is something that happens naturally and can also change every time you draw something, even if it's subtle or obvious. I'm terrible for constantly fussing over how something looks and how it has to be just right. Hopefully now that I have this on my blog where I can click and look at it, I'll remember not to sweat the petty stuff... or pet the sweaty stuff.

Here is a link to the specific article, drawn and written by the artist herself:

They also gave useful advice when you're not sure what to draw or how to work ones way around art block. Always helpful to know, methinks!

I've been watching this artist on dA for a long time now and followed their tumblr recently. They have a very fun and imaginative style which I find inspiring and also nostalgic. I definitely recommend you check them out!


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to doodle something (most likely anything but pigeons... procrastination FTW), eat popcorn and figure out how to dye my hair rainbow. All in a days work.

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Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3