Saturday 23 June 2012

Obligatory Post of Obligation

Don't want the ol' blog to get cobwebs after all. Besides, I figured this would be as good a reason to update as any.

Eheh... eheheh... heehee... pfffttt AHAHAHAHAH.

... sorry, forgot I was nearly 21 for a minute there. *snerk*

Seriously though, thanks to anyone and everyone who has taken the time to pop by and have a look, even if it's just to pinch various .gifs or whatever. You still added to the pageview count and gave me a much appreciated chuckle. Goddamn, I'm such a five year old. But yes. Thanks for the support. You all get a heart. Use it well. <3

I'm gonna pull my finger out soon and get some actual work done in preparation for 'This is Not an Exit' next month. I've got a few ideas for how to present my work but I don't want to do anything definite until I know how everything will be set out. I know for a fact that I'm gonna be a total butt and pinch Rachel Normand's idea of making badges of her characters. Some nice freebies. I just need to figure out how to make said badges. I also know what pictures I'm going to make into prints which shouldn't be hard to do. And if I'm lucky, I'll maybe shove everything aside to finish my 'Not a Drinker' animation that I've been putting off for a while now. It's a quick thing so it shouldn't take too long to work on. The truth is, I want to have something in the moving images department as well as my show reel and the Crumbs trailer. I MIGHT add a few more scenes and make a more impressive trailer for Crumbs but do NOT quote me on that. For the love of God, DON'T.

Besides, I need something to work on so I don't fall into a rut of not doing anything. I'm normally quote productive but when a big project or the school year ends, I just collapse and do nothing, as if my body is telling me to switch off for the next few weeks or so, and then I have this deadly habit of leaving everything to the 11th hour. I don't want to do that. So I'm booting myself up the bahookie and getting on with things. If it's to be, it's up to me damnit!

Well, I don't really have any images sketched to show you all, I'm afraid. I'm teasing the idea of a new Crumbs character (Christ, not another one!) but before I make that decision final I'm working out story arcs and concepts to see if it'll fit. But again, don't quote me on it. However, I guess I'll leave you with these two videos that I find useful. They're both MLP related (as if you folks expected otherwise) but these folks know what they're talking about. Particularly in the second video. I had NO idea you could press shift and click to make lineart straighter. I bet everyone else did. WELL I DIDN'T. NYAH.

Til next time, darlin's. And if I don't have any sketches to show you in the next entry, you have my hand written permission to beat me senseless. How's THAT for dedication.

... not the face.


  1. That guy who does the animation breakdowns really seems to know his stuff. I wish I was that knowledgeable! But it's far lazier to just fob it. Fobbing is good. XD

    We need to organise a date for the people doing the Shadow and... thingy to meet up, sooner rather than later, to maximize how much preparation time we have. I might email Callum tomorrow and harass him to harass everyone else. 'Cause I'm nice like that. :D

    May I have the honour of being the first to beat you senseless if you fail to keep your promise? XD Just don't go all werewolf-Scotswoman on me!

    1. He really does! I've linked lots of his videos in my blog, hoping people will find them helpful in their own work :)

      Indeed so. I think Callum said he'd pop in on Thursday and chat to Dave about this and that. Either way he'll keep us updated. All we can do is get finished what we intend to show at the exhibition. I'm gonna be working on badges tomorrow! Yay!

      Urgh, fiiiine. God, you're such a sadist between that kind exterior of yours. Just... not the face! It's not much but it's all I have!


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3