Monday 6 August 2012

I'm So Social!

I'm on Facebook!

... well, ok, I was already on Facebook. But I'm talking about one of them thar fan pages. I figured I should stop boring all my friends on there that aren't interested in such things and instead bore those who are.

So if you have a Facebook of your own, get yourselves over there, like the page and you'll be up to date with all my animation, comic and illustration shenanigans!

The blog is still gonna be my main source of art and info and blardiblah; it's my baby after all! This is just another way to get my work out there. You might have noticed my twitter updates at the side of this blog as well. That's so I can share any life stuff that has nothing to really do with art and you can choose to look at it/ignore it at your will without having it shoved in your faces.

I also have a tumblr. But I honestly doubt anyone would be interested in that. Its basically reblogs of pugs, pigeons, doughnuts and shit I find funny.

As far as being productive... eeeh, that's kind of fallen by the wayside a tad. I've been ill all weekend and I slept pretty much all day yesterday. I haven't even gotten into the second box of badge refills for the Crumbs badges yet. I have finished 30 of the 60 refills so I'm halfway there at least! But yeah, still need to finish that as well as plan the story for Crumbs and do some sketches and work on the animatic I mentioned. Still want to do that. I also have ANOTHER animatic idea I want to do. Both of which are to songs btw. I'll fill you in on that later once they stop being brain children and the pencil actually gives birth to them.

... why the hell isn't animatic recognised as a word anyway? Everytime I type it, that little red line shows it's face. Up yours red line, you don't know nothin'!

So yeah, that needs to be planned out better. I should also sketch out Ginger Snaps concepts as well. But at least Muffin is getting some attention anyway. Here's some sketches of her so that I can at least show SOMETHING. I dunno if it's worth noting that I drew her while listening to the music played at the Olympics. Quite the contrast honestly.

Oh and I should note that a reference was used for most of these. Drawing pugs is new to me and I have much to learn! Don't be afraid to give any advice though.

And I also doodled me as a unicorn. I call her Doodlebug.

And uh... that's it as of right now. I might get some doodling done so that I can say I at least did something today. Still a tad groggy from being ill and whatnot. If I get more than that done then I won't complain!

So uh, yeah, check out my Facebook page, it's a little sparse right now but I hope to upload more to it soon and I hope you will like what you see. Thanks for popping by if you do!

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