Friday 24 August 2012

If I Could Be Where You Are

I've been busy! I have! Honest! I just can't show you any of it just yet. Because it's not to a standard I'm happy with, you know all that pizzle.

But I wanted to put SOMETHING on my blog, considering that I haven't in pretty much two weeks now. Sheer madness/sparta. And I remembered an image I worked on some time ago that I didn't want to reveal because it was a tad spoilerish to the Crumbs story but if I don't go into detail, it'll just be a teaser concept image. Works for me!

What does it meeeeaannn?

... well, don't look at me, I ain't gonna tell you squat!

I'm especially happy with this one because ot took me some time to get the shading right, the lighting, the frost, the transparency of the two pigeons... gahh, so much to take into account. It was a fun challenge for myself. The only thing I'm a bit meh on is Blue's breath coming out as if it's smoke. I'll need to practice a tad more on that sort of thing.

It's also a concept for an animatic/animation idea I might do based off of one of my favourite Enya songs. So yeah, hopefully that'll happen. I'm determined to make it happen.

Anywho, it's late an- OOH, today, my Pugs not Drugs t-shirt arrived! I was all over that! Can't wait to wear it and show off my swagger!

... oh yeah, so bed ti- OH NO ACTUALLY ALSO I saw Brave. AND IT. KICKED. ASS. Everything about it was perfect, it was better than anything I could have possibly dreamed. EVERYTHING. I intend to buy soooo much Brave stuff. You don't even know. You don't even...

... oh yeah. Bed is a thing. I should do that thing now.

After doing what I do best and pimpin' out this blog entry to Facebook and Twitter and also my new art tumblr.

Which is here.


  1. great stuff, I always love your shading, and I find it especially hard to draw/colour a scene that is meant to be dark/late at night.

    also great to hear there will be upcoming stuff!! i want spoilers now :D

    ~Rachel N

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping my shading improves, it's something I've always struggled with. Night time scenes are hard but the intention was to challenge myself :)

      Oh there will be stuff! I just need to iron out some details and get some story arcs sorted. I have a lot of ideas, it's just getting them all organised XD

      Thanks again! :)


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3