Friday 30 September 2011

Funny as Fudge Videos

Well, as I pretty much updated my blog with all of my progress yesterday, I don't really have anything new to share on that front and it would be pretty redundant to put up the information twice. So instead, I'm going to share some funny animations I found throughout this week.

Lets face it, we all have to just stop doing work and arse about on YouTube sometimes. If we didn't, our brains would sloop out through our ears in a puddle of brain gloop. At least, mine would. And we all need a good laugh every now and then so, being the kind providing person that I am, I will share such treasures with you.

The first two animations and animatic are from MAD TV, which I love and miss dearly. I saw it all the time on Cartoon Network when I was in America and I haven't seen it here. Makes sense really as the pop cultural references are American for the most part but that hasn't stopped us from seeing their stuff before!
Anyway, I just couldn't get over the whole Cowboys and Equestrians idea. Makes just as much sense as Cowboys and Aliens anyway.

The next two are the same sketch, one the animatic and the other the complete animation. I'll upload both because it's interesting seeing the development as well as the finished project. Also, memes. So many memes. I cried with joy.


And finally... this. I have a feeling this is exactly what Princess Celestia does between rising the sun and reading/writing letters from/to Twilight.

Click and watch away, my fellow animators!

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