Tuesday 15 March 2011

You can upload sketches you've done for fun, eh?

Well in that case, this blog might get updated a little more often!

I have provided a link to my dA page but I dunno if people have looked at it much or not (I know Paul has, who I thank wholeheartedly!) but with this new knowledge in mind I've decided to upload some pictures I've done of Frodo for fun! Consider it character development! Then again it kind of is anyway.

The above image is a doodle I did while we worked on in the previous module but I liked it so much I wanted to take it home and colour it in my markers. This was to portray the relationship of Frodo and his owner (me). We get on for the most part but I have a tendency to baby him; not to the extent of dressing him in baby booties but by calling him baby names, hugging him and never letting go, blahblah. Also he hates his lead. But he never behaves himself during his walks. So he's bloody well wearing it. Mmkay? Mmkay.

This picture was one to show Frodo and Ruby (one of my oldest characters) relationship, which falls into the best friend/brother and sister kind. They get on well, have known each other for years and can have debates over various issues/video games for hours to come. There's no chance of a romantic relationship for these two though for those wondering. Ruby is taken and Frodo prefers his girls in the more lacking in clothes department. Then again, what man doesn't.

This sketch I included in the previous module but scanned in and coloured in photoshop (lineart done using the PENCIL tool in Illustrator. The one that doesn't suck). This is to show how Frodo and the Cat react to each other and as you can see here, it borders on the line of domestic violence (or rather drives a tractor over the line but thats beside the point). I did some sort of anime motion thing for the background which seems effective. I like the expressions and the motion as well.

Last but not least, this picture was done in my spare time, more so to introduce the two new characters but as it includes Frodo, might as well upload it. These people (and a dragon character who I'm still designing and developing) are who he hangs out with the most. I'll maybe draw and share them with you lot!

Anyway yes, there are just a few of the images I have done featuring this fellow! I have many more that I might share in the future. Til then everyone!

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