Monday 22 October 2012

Reflect or Forget!

So I haven’t really done much in terms of reflection this year. Oops.

Despair not, though. As practice for my research, proposal, presentation and dissertation, I shall reflect on some of the work I have done the previous week. Here we have two experiments, one being a logo for a friend’s business card and the other an asset/style experiment for Stina’s project.

Kat’s logo

Well I suppose it’s technically more of a design for the card but the intention is to represent Kat’s talent of floor managing and set design. In order to portray this effectively, given the simple style shown, I used a small set and camera as reference and created the set using shapes and gradients. The changing colours give a sense of shading and also makes it less flat to look at, more visually pleasing. I’m quite happy with this as my skills are more in character design and so designing a logo/card design was quite different for me.  It has given me the chance to try something different and expand my skills, which will be extremely useful- people won’t just want characters created.

Asset/style concept for Stina’s brief

Rachel and I are working on the projections for Stina’s brief, which will be shown on the wall and floor as her dancers perform. Due to the music and tone of the music and dance, we’re intending to keep a rather grungy style, with outdoors settings, graffiti, city backdrop and so on. As you can see, I have used the shapes again to create a lamppost. This started as showing Rachel how quickly I could create an asset (10-20 minutes if anyone’s interested) and then, due to my inability to leave a lamppost hanging in midair, I took the chance to create a background and a potential tone for the animation. This is a potential idea that may or may not change, depending on whether Stina is happy with it or not. We’re also trying out various simplistic styles (the way the light is portrayed was Rachel’s idea, I hasten to add) and want to add in some rotoscoping if we are able. So technically this one is a work in progress. There will be more to show soon.

So hopefully that’s decent enough development and reflection. I need to practice that sort of thing after all. And I might as well do a basic weekly plan, just like the good old foundation degree Animation days.

I have an academic writing class and a lecture that day but with the amount of time I have between after said lecture and getting the train, I hope to get cracking on some proposal planning, as I am falling a bit behind on that. By the end of the night, I hope to have most of the plan done.

Today Rachel and I are planning on showing Stina the ideas/assets we have so far so she can tell us whether or not she’s happy with them and then plan the next ideas accordingly.

I’m not sure if we need to be in today or not, I know we have a few people coming in to talk to us but I’m not aware of whether or not they’ll be particularly useful to the digital studying types like myself.  I’ll look into it. If we don’t have to, I’ll probably get crackin’ on some research. Although I’d like to organise it better than this. But my brain is mush right now and I am le tired.

Also, I might rewrite the plans at some point once I get a chance to read the timetable plan Rachel set out for us while working on Stina’s project. I should be able to read it on the Mac but I can’t do anything productive right now, I might break something.

So I’m off for a kip. Wake me in a few decades hours.

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