Saturday 22 September 2012


Just a WIP of a birthday picture I'm working on. I figured I should show you guys something considering the last update was like, two weeks ago. Or something. Eheh.

Just a quick update of shenanigans for now: the Big Draw animation piece is now finished! I'm going to have a look at it some time next week before giving it to the client. I don't think we'll upload it until it's actually been screened so you'll still need to wait a while before you'll actually get to see it. So yeah, something fun to look forward to!

And also college has started again, to my immense joy and relief. I like the summer holidays and the long lie ins are lovely but eh, I was missing the college atmosphere and seeing everyone every day. And missing the mochas as well. I was surprised when the woman at the counter recognised me actually. I think that's a sign I've been going there too often. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

Things are ever so slightly different this time round however. Rather than animation specifically, I'm now a Creative Practice student and will also have the opportunity to collaborate with students from other creative courses, such as acting, media, web, dance, what have you. There's all sorts going on. And there are even LECTURES. No seriously, we didn't really have lectures in the Foundation course, at least not regular ones. So this is kind of new to me. Which is odd considering not only have I been a college student for two years now, I am technically a post graduate. I shall adapt though. It'll be interesting seeing people from different creative courses. And you never know, might make a contact! After all, it's the year to do that sort of thing!

Now, as for what I'm planning to do this year... weeeeell, I was GONNA say in this blog entry but I figure I should actually wait until after my one on one tuition session on Wednesday, where I discuss my project plans with a tutor. That way I don't tell everyone I'm working on this particular thing only to have to change it if the tutor decides I'd be better off doing something else. I will leave a couple of teeny hints for now.

One: webcomic with supporting animations of characters to introduce interactions and advertise them and the story.

And two:

... some of you will probably have figured it out from that.

I think Doctor Who will be on soon so I'll take my leave for now. Have a good 'un, chaps!

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