Wednesday 4 May 2011

They've rigged it!

Today I'd intended to get to work on catching up with my blog as I'd been falling behind in that area but Dave wanted to see my model, sort out any problems and get me started on the rig. We pretty much just got the model's ankles sorted out before deciding to just get started on adding the bones, deciding that the model was, while not perfect, good enough to pass (which considering the experience I've been having with 3D is A-OK in my book!)

I wouldn't be surprised if I have to redo any parts of the rigging but as of right now I've found it surprisingly easy to deal with, most likely due to the fact that my character has a very simplistic design whereas people with more detailed character designs told me of their difficulties. The handout we were given has been quite easy to follow, although I have found it hard to find certain things in the screenshots supplied in said handout. I'll no doubt stumble on such things eventually though.

I've saved the file and daren't risk working on this solo again today, due to the risk of undoing it. Also, the lack of finished rough/complete storyboards has been beckoning me for some time so I should probably get cracking with that for the time being.

I seem to always want the artistic, practical stuff out of the way before I focus too much on the writing. Which I still have to do. Always like a challenge to get things done!

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