Monday 29 November 2010

Well lookee here! Another entry!

Whoohee, I'm not doing very well with these updates. Whoops.

Well, another week has passed and methinks I shall start with a short review of said week. Generally it was rather productive, despite not covering all that I said I would. I have animated a total of three short sequences including backgrounds and created a more believable cut out effect with the use of the drop shadow (which I thank you whole heartedly for introducing me to Paul. I've been using and abusing that thang ever since!)

For an example of how my work looks now compared to how it looked previously, lets take a looksee at this:

I have also created a colour palate for the pigeons which I have found extremely useful, as previously I would be a bit lost getting the EXACT colours when I had already sponge filtered the layers.

What I still need to do however is bulk up on my development sketchbook. I am hindered for time (and printer ink) to print out computer based example work at this precise moment in time so I am putting that on the backburner for the time being but capturing screenshots as I go about my work so that I'm not totally lost for things to discuss in my sketchbook.

Anyway, now is the time to discuss what I am planning to do for the duration of this week! And while such time tables need to be concise, mine was a tad TOO concise. So, I am going to create a more detailed timetable/summary of days... while still being concise. Wish me luck.

Monday- today I am planning to blog the hell out of this thing. I am going to discuss more animations that I have admired or have been told to look at, upload my own work that I have done previously (if YouTube decides to co-operate... cos it... often likes NOT to co-operate with me. Bleh.) and maybe upload concept art of my animation. I'm deciding whether or not to upload videos to YouTube of me talking about my projects, all of which to help me with my development and make the writing up so much easier.

Tuesday- ahh, back to regular work! I still have a number of backgrounds to do, which I plan to finish before I begin on the characters. I still have a few scenes that need to be designed in better detail, which I intend to spend today doing. As I have done the sky for the opening sequence, I still need to do shots of the pigeons on the railings, the bus depo backgrounds and so on. After this, I might possibly be able to begin work on the pigeons but only if I complete the scenery today.

Wednesday- I intend to have the backgrounds done today and then I will be free to work on my adorable little pigeons! Basically what it says on the tin- I will do some inbetweening, colour frames AND I will need to do a lot of drop shadows to make the pigeons look more like paper cut outs and separate them further from the background.

Thursday- Oh joy, our designated Cinema 4D session. Cinema 4D and me ain't friends. It likes to confuse and infuriate me with its insane amount of 3Dness... despite being called 4D. Blah. Your attempts of being humble ain't fooling me boy!
Hopefully (although I'm not holding my breath), I will have learnt more about the program and managed to retain it without having to gnaw on the college Mac in frustration. Seriously Paul, watch out for that. Personally though, I think I might be OK animating my work in Animation Shop 3 or Photoshop as the sequences have been pretty effective so far. But only time will tell.

As for Friday... its my designated day off. To myself. No work getting done today... well, perhaps concept artwork but only because I find that recreational! And maybe colour some frames. But only cos its fun for me! Same on Saturday although with much more productivity. But Sunday? Please, I need at least ONE day to catch up on sleep!

... although I'll probably end up doing some further colouring and/or animation if I've finished the colouring. That's how dedicated I am.

Anyhow as today is Monday (OH THE JOYS *sob*) I am now on my way to look at this list of animations that Dave has handed on a list to me and then blog many other shenanigans there after. All for development. Mmyep.

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