Tuesday 3 April 2012

Background Experimentingeringering

I'm gonna be doing a bit of doodling before I head off to Berlin, both characters and settings. For now, I wanted to see how I could make a house and what techniques I'd be happy to keep using.

When I do backgrounds, I normally make them from the shape tool in Photoshop, using the square tool for buildings to make squares and rectangles, the circle tool to make clouds and bushes and so on, all that good stuff. I like to make them kind of simplistic, yet with their own details. Think of the backgrounds from Eddsworld and My Little Pony and you get the idea of where I want to go.

They're often always lineless so that they don't take attention away from the characters. However, I did try some linework with the house used in the below images and... well, I'm not sure. I think it looks pretty good on its own but if characters were involved with the piece it could be very distracting.

What do you guys think? And if you have any ideas for me to try, don't be afraid to share them. I'm here to learn and improve after all!

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