Friday 30 March 2012

I'm a Blog Momma

Honestly, I feel like I am. I mean, I update this darn thing more than I really have to if you think about it. But I can't help it. There's always something new I find that I want to share or something I want to talk about (either art based or me based of course), although I suppose I could show a little bit of restraint. But I have grown to love this little bloggy wogg of mine.

I just wish it would let me sleep some nights though. Then again, it doesn't make all that much of a mess. Not often anyway.

Anyway, as far as my work goes, I'm... yeah, again, didn't meet the targets. Man, I've been sucking hardcore lately. I do have a legit excuse though; one much better than "The sun was shining and I couldn't be arsed". My driving test is coming up and obviously I want to pass so I've been tootling about in Yaddick (my darling little broom broom) quite a bit. I did manage to do one character design and a bit of the scene so... at least I didn't fail totally? Always helps to be positive methinks.

Basically I'm gonna try and find a way to juggle all this nonsense, working on the portfolio, finishing the animation, passing my driving test... I think I'll have to come back to a structured plan later. SMART targets take time that I don't have right now so I'll probably update with that later.

Onto other news. Yesterday we had a meeting for the folks going to Berlin for Pictoplasma. Yep, I'm going again! I really can't wait, it's gonna be amazing... although I don't think the travelling at 2am thing will be as much fun. Yuck. AM times should not have a single digit number. It's just plain wrong. The fact that I'm awake to attend college at these times is nothing short of remarkable.

But I digress. It looks like it's gonna be a fun trip again this year! Once again there will be the character walk and seeing all the screenings and just looking around Berlin and general... I think I'm gonna buy a sketchbook for myself to celebrate the occasion and fill it up with my sketches while I'm there. The Berlin Book it shall be called.

I also need to figure out what I'm going to do in final show as well, how everything is going to be presented. But for now I've got to sort out PPD stuff, basically stuff talking about career choices, college options, contests, CV and all that good stuff. And then after that I'll be off to the pictures with Rachel, Ashleigh and Zoe to see Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists. What a nice way to start off the Easter holidays that I didn't know we were having!

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