Monday, 13 December 2010

Trials and Tribulations

To be frank, I am not overly satisfied with the amount of work I have managed to achieve last week. I have had issues that have been stopping me from getting to college or progressing on my work, mainly snow related and home decoration (not Christmas, we're not getting near those deccies until my bedroom and the spare room are complete!) related scenarios which I need to help out with and I have been finding it hard to juggle everything. However, we are getting near completion with such things and the snow is practically melted away (although not without leaving nice trails of ice that I can happily slip on) so such things shouldn't be much of an issue in the future. It does mean I'll have to finish a lot of frames and editing over Christmas but to me this isn't a problem. I'd have been on the computer colouring/animating something anyway.

What has been kicking my proverbial rear end over and over again is Cinema 4D. We're like the two people that, no matter how hard we try to get along, are spitting feathers and shooting daggers out of our eyes at each other by the end of the night. I had downloaded the free trail to experiment with at home and I can grasp how to move a layer (or whatever its called in that thing) but that's pretty much as far as my understanding goes with the program. To be frank, I'm gonna need to be taught about it like I'm a five year old.

Or just give up on said program and use Animation Shop or Photoshop which I can't see why we can't use in the first place. No doubt its part of the module or something. Blahh.

Hopefully I can discuss said issues with Paul when we do our tutorial talk and hopefully I'll have a better idea of what to do and what I can achieve. I was supposed to show my research and drawings but since I figured all I would be doing was working on the frames, I didn't bring the sketchbooks. Thankfully I have the knowledge locked away in the ol' noggin so at least I have something to talk about!

I'll update when I have a clearer idea of what I'm going to do next. If I have the time/motivation/memory to that is.

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Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3