Monday, 6 December 2010



*ahem* Yes, this relates to our snazzy little lesson today revolving around SOUND. We watched a little of a Tom and Jerry clip, first muted and then with sound, to try and make us think what noises would probably be used. I had a vague idea and was quite surprised at how different the sounds were when I heard them from what I thought they would be. Makes you realise how little you pay attention to such things. Also makes you see how unique the sound of Tom and Jerry really is!

Anyway, our next task was to go outdoors and after stopping at a certain point, we had to walk back to the college and take note of the noises we heard along the way. This was to give us an idea of what background noises there could be and how the subtleties come together to create effective background noise. I especially found this useful as my animation takes place entirely outdoors, in a town/street/bus depo setting. It has opened my mind towards what what noises can be used to create the scene effectively.

After this, we had a nice little play about on a lovely little program called Audacity. Whats this? Emma actually APPROVES of an unknown program on the Macs? Why yes indeed! And that actually WAS a pig flying past your window. Going oink.

Anyway yes *ahem* we all had good fun on Audacity, recording noises, sounds and speech and modifying them in some way, mainly just playing with and getting used to the program. I've actually recorded random little things that I might one day animate if I ever have the free time. I also practised my pigeon coo noises which actually sound pretty decent on the program. Now that I have further knowledge of noise, sounds and programs, I can start to think what sounds can be used when and where.

So that was rather productive. While I'm here however, I might as well show you some animations that have kept me sniggering like an idiot for the past... number of days (I dread to count). If you've noticed me sniggering and snorting into my hands earlier today, its because of these. A friend of mine introduced me to a Professor Layton parody by Skaijo on deviantArt, titled Proffessor Layton and the Malignant Growth. Not a nice sounding title at all but its actually really amusing. I found parts 2, 3 and 5 the funniest though. They just have more going on in them. Or maybe I just like seeing Layton swear and scream at Luke. Your call.

"F*** has FOUR letters, Professah!"


"I'm 42 years old! I live on the MOON!"

They all seem to have been done on Flash and what really adds to the humour is the overlapping dialogue between characters and sound effects. And the Professor's very inventive threats.

Just curious, does everyone actually read anyone else's blogs? And do they ever comment on them? I know that's kind of in the general knowledge of blogs but I dunno what the rules are with these professional ones.

... Professional? Mine? Yeah riiiight...

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