Friday, 12 July 2013

The Graduate

Well, that's it. Fd Animation and BA Hons Creative Practice graduate right here. I'm officially no longer a student.

Yesterday, I was asked what it felt like to be out of education and honestly, I didn't really have an answer. Well, I did but not really a definite non-rambly one. But for the time being, all I can think of is how weird it'll be to not have to attend school in September. For the longest time, I always had that consistency in my life, whether I enjoyed it or not. But I was familiar with it. Now it's just... gone. S'weird, man.

I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into this but it's kind of a lot to take in. I think it's because this year I've had a lot of big changes happen in my life and it gets a bit overwhelming. It's not that I want things to stay the same, far from it. I want to face new experiences and see where life takes me. But it's also quite a lot to take in and losing those things you were once familiar and comfortable with can be a bit daunting. 

But at the same time, I'm also excited and looking forward to the next chapter in life. I know for a fact that I'm excited to start working properly on Crumbs. I'll be in Spain for the next week and I'm planning on bringing my sketchbook so that I can get some pigeon sketches and doodles done and maybe even plan some more parts of the story if inspiration strikes. But I'm not going to force it and stress myself out. As well as this, I gotta find me a job as well as work on setting up the company with Ashleigh and Rachel. Ooh, the possibilities! Scary but exciting, as life should be I suppose.

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, here are a couple of photos on graduation day. Apologises in advance for those who faint at seeing my face. Either from lust or disgust, your call.

My dress IS greenish, I don't care what Kat says.

Robes acquired. Stupid yellow and blue thing
kept sliding back, ugh

Me seconds away from death
(I got better.)
"My daughter is graduating, DEAL WITH IT."
This is probably the only time I will be as tall as my Mum.
Unless she bullies persuades me to wear heels again...
Dad kept accidentally choking me with the blue and yellow thing. I think
he resents how much my course/graduation cost.
Just wait 'til I earn squillions with my new animated series Dad, it'll pay for itself!

I love you Mum and Dad.

I'll have the actual professional photograph come along in a few weeks, along with a graduation t-shirt. And I now have this years grey alumni hoodie to go with the navy one I got at my Fd Animation graduation. I like hoodies.

Anyway, I'll have to start job hunting and serious comic developing very soon but from now until I get back from Spain, I'll be taking it easy for a while. I've noticed myself getting worked up from lack of ideas and I know forcing it'll just make things even harder. So I'm gonna calm my tits, relax for a while and if I get some new ideas, I'll go with it if or when that happens.

... You clicked on it, didn't you? God, you're shameless.

Have a good week, guys.



    You look friggin' stunning! Your robes are also pretty cool, mine next year are going to have baby pink satin and fur on them and even I don't know if I have the sass to pull that kind of trash off :(

    Also super excited that you're setting up your own company! That's awesome!


      I think pretty much everyone who's read this entry clicked the link. I totally would have. I'd have been surprised to see actual boobs though.

      Wow, thank you! You're too kind. Wait, really? Those sound friggin' boss, you have to share pictures of those!

      Eee, thank you, I'm also super excited! And terrified. Excitified. Terricited.

    2. BUT TITS

      I couldn't find many photos of our gown online but here's one! It's embarrassing that we're the prestigious uni in the city but everyone else has classier ones. Still, maybe it's my own fault for switching from life sciences to arts...

      You should be excited! You're going to do GREAT :D


      Looks pretty tasteful! Funnily enough, my friend Simon had a red robe with fur on it as well for his graduation. Makes mine kind of dull in comparison, I'd be stroking the fur all day if I had that robe!

      sjhjkshjsh I HOPE SO


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3