Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Belated Final Show 2013 Write Up

I wanted to get this entry up the day after the exhibition but sheer laziness took over and then I wasn't able to find the cable to transfer pictures from the camera to my laptop. Still haven't found it, had to resort to using the memory card or whatever it is. I may be dumb and tired right now but this entry is late enough as it is so let's get to the pretty darn fuzzy pictures!

Here is basically what the Virtual Magic boards looked like.There was a bit of a kerfuffle because some of the artwork had been moved to different parts before we got to college. I wouldn't have minded at all if it was discussed with us beforehand but that wasn't the case. That said, they knew what they were doing and I can't deny that the boards still look good, although it does lead to some confusion on one board in particular.

Anyway yes, boards now.

First Board
You'll probably recognise the two pigeon related posters. The above is Rachel's project that she wants us as a studio to work on- Feathers of the Roc. The poster was supposed to have the title and logo on it but you can blame my dumb ass for that one. I didn't glue the poster on the mountboard right so it made the poster all air bubbly and sucky- not professional enough for a final show exhibition. I WAS CRIPPLED WITH GUILT. This is what the poster was SUPPOSED to look like.

Still looks quite good in person though.
Although the new poster is much brighter and shinier so no harm done, I guess. Just some confusion and we could always explain that.

We were going to have one piece from Ashleigh, one from Rachel and one from me at the front to show our individual skills and have people be brought in by that. However, our tutors felt that the use of colour would be more likely to attract people instead. Kind of sucks that both of my posters are at the front and Ashleigh's isn't but then again, she does get (mostly) her own wall...

Second Board
... Which probably caused a bit of confusion because Ashleigh's project is NOT Realmspawn. That is a webcomic that will be started up by Rachel. The character designs are all Ashleigh's and are related to The God Child Saga, her own story series. Then again, I suppose if people read the next board, they'd realise what characters belong to which story.

Third and Final Board
The top picture is a collaborative piece with all of our characters together. It was mainly to show the difference of our individual concepts together. Ruby and Snaps needs to be drawn more. Friggin' pigeons.

Beneath that are the individual plaques with a short synopsis of our individual projects, personal plaques with our 200 words of whatever we wanted to say and we see a big cut out of Ashleigh's character, Caelyn (which I HOPE I've spelt right. I'm sure she'll let me know. With her fists.)

Damn, them weapons are sharp.
We also had a small collection of business cards: individual and company based, Ashleigh's free badges, our portfolio, our shirt designs and the Crumbs comic pages.

Oh, and some cut out pigeons were hanging around the room here and there.
On their best behavior. They didn't even shit on anyone.
The night pretty much went the same as last year. Except I went around wearing the pigeon head a few times, much to the amusement of others. It's hard to talk, breathe, see or hear in that thing. But I was fine for the most part. Although I think I ran over an old man at that point.
The big drawing wall wasn't there this time, due to the fact that we were using the HD TV to show the animations instead of four back to back computers. That was a pity. I wanted to draw more tits.

... tee hee.

But anyway, the rest was quite familiar: discussing work with others and explaining concepts, making connections and meeting old friends from the Foundation degree. It was also cool seeing my friend Matt Harle, who is quite the editing pro. Check out his blog entry on the exhibition HERE if you want to see it from a different perspective.

Like last year, we also had screenings of our show reels and animations in the Space bar. They had been playing all day on the TV screen in the animation room but it was intense seeing it on the big screen. Especially with the Virtual Magic show reel with the music we used. I could feel the vibrations in my chest...
Speaking of, I was going to share the reel in this entry but I'm not sure if I'm able to just yet. If so, I'll upload a new entry in the next few days.
Oh, I didn't go out and get hammered this time. Instead, I went for a nice meal with Rachel and her family. Great place! Italian food is where it's at, yo. Fo shizzle. And other words.

I can't brain anymore. I need bed. I'll update hopefully more awake next time. And maybe with show reel! I'm really excited at the idea of sharing it.

If anyone reading this was at the exhibition, thanks so much for coming! And I hope you enjoyed the first seven pages of Crumbs if you got the chance to read it. Expect more September 15th.

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