I try not to bring in my life problems on this blog unless I can find a way to be creative with them. Lets Emmanimate is mainly to share any artwork, development and progress on any projects I'm working on as well as the finished result. It's generally meant to be a professional place for my work... or as close to professional as I can make it anyway.
But long story short, I've been drained in every way possible. Emotionally, physically, mentally... just a series of events in the short space of a month, varying from recovering from surgery to life changing events, that have basically left me with no energy and very little drive to do anything productive. This is the first time in weeks that I've actually drawn something and for a cartoonist, that's hardly a good thing.
The problem with me is I'm not a particularly open person when it comes to my own emotions. They're always on the back burner because I don't view them as important in comparison to other people. I'm the funny person, I'm here to cheer people up, to be there for them. Not load my problems onto them. Unfortunately, this often means they fester inside until... well, this happens. A long time of little productivity, if anything. So instead, I've taken the time to quickly sketch out a small vent piece that has helped me a little bit- to see a visual representation of how I've been feeling. Seems a bit dramatic but it's mainly to get the 'feels' out in a creative way rather than letting them stew any longer.
I've had this sort of idea for a while now, where the colour slowly drained out of a person, leaving them as a sad shadow of themselves instead. It's pretty much on the nose to how I've been feeling. I normally use bold colours and lines but it seemed out of place for something like this, hence the sketchy lines and the blocking. Kind of adds to the whole 'not feeling like myself lately' deal, you know?
Oops, I actually meant to remove the 'Fuck it' on the shirt. I think I felt especially crap when I wrote that. Ah well, might as well keep it. If anything, it adds to the whole thing. Feel free to give any suggestions and comments, this was just to vent but I'd still like to learn how I can improve.
Thankfully, I seem to slowly but surely be coming out of that funk. Every day I feel a bit better and I'm just aiming to get back to my work mentality, where I can churn out a lot of art and be able to focus on that. Hopefully that'll be the case once the bloody dissertation is out of the way. Which I'm meant to be focusing on right now. Ugh.
So yeah, hopefully I haven't made myself look like some overly dramatic wimp. And if I have... eh, we all need a whinge from time to time. Thanks for reading.
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Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3