Monday, 18 March 2013

Birdbrained Collection Complete and More Concept Art

I should be in bed now but I'm... uh, long story short, I need to distract myself right now. Besides, the college internet is being a giant prat so I don't think I'll be able to upload an entry tomorrow. So might as well be productive while I'm fending off sleep.

OK, so you might have noticed that indeed it's true, the Birdbrained collection is now complete! I may or may not add other birds in the future if people wish for me to but for now, I'm leaving it as is. I have to say, they all look fantastic together. Very colourful!

You can view the collection and buy the shirts RIGHT HERE.

I've also dabbled in some concept art here and there as I develop the characters and settings to help me dig into the story better. We'll start with a little idea I did for Hope. As she's a religious bird, I thought it would be fitting to recreate the classic holy dove imagery: the blue sky, bright sunshine and rays and of course the dove (well, in this case fantail but shush) itself. All she's missing is the plant they sometime include in her beak.
I'm considering making this a poster or a print in the future if people like it enough. Yes, no?

And as both Ashleigh and Rachel were doing some world building for their projects, I decided to do some artwork of one of the main buildings in the comic, an abandoned building in the town that the pigeons in the city often go into for meetings, shelter and so on. I did the same building at different times and weather because I wanted to see how that particular building would look. I'd like to create more settings once I think of them in better detail.
The raining one is my favourite one I think. It was the first one I did and I think I spent the most time on it. The Secret Promise perfume ad on the side of the building is actually an affectionate nod to a GCSE Media project I did with my friend Stacey, where we had to film our own advert. I wonder if she still has the footage...

Yeah, when the building is seen in the comic, the sign will always be different. Because shut it, that's why.

I'll make the pigeons colourful next time, I was mainly focusing on the background for the time being. Perhaps a shot of one of the pigeons overlooking the city. Hmm.

Also I should reeeeally get cracking on the script. Minor detail there. Oops.

Anyway you know the drill, any comments/advice/whathaveyou, just lay it on me in the comments. OK, catch you all later champs!




    Liking the pics, and you could always say that the poster changing every time is like an Easter egg in the strip? Or the fact that it changes is like the couch or blackboard gag in the Simpsons? Either way, I look forward to seeing this progress :)

    1. OH HAI SIMON!

      One day, it will be on TV. Every day, it is my LIFE. Better reality TV show than most, I reckon.

      Yep, that's the idea! I thought it would be funny to have stuff like that throughout. Same with any visible newspaper headlines and stuff. Because that crap is funny, yo.

      Thanks for the comment! :D

    2. OHAI!

      Yay new Truman show thingamabob...

      I look forward to seeing what kind of gags you come up with.

  2. Hey-lo C:
    I like the building concept and that the poster will change each time you see it.
    The poster seems a bit bright for the rain/night scenes though. They could probably benefit from being a little more desaturated because the bright colours kind of "drown out" the rest of it, if you catch my drift.

    Good work so far though and I love the t-shirt designs!

    1. Hello there!

      Thank you very much for the feedback! I see what you mean about the posters, I'd darkened them but definitely not enough. I did intend to make the poster be a bit of a contrast to the setting but like you say, it's a bit too bright. Will definitely keep in mind for the future :)

      Thanks again, much appreciated!


      You're welcome C:
      - Vic


Got any advice? Any opinions or ideas that you want to share? Just think I'm a straight up idiot? Feel free to let me know and I'll reply in kind <3