It’s been a while since I updated this thing and quite frankly, I suck for that. Quite a lot has been happening college, comic and life wise and I really think it’s about time I actually said what was going on. It’s got the potential to be a long one though so go make a sandwich for yourself or something, I can wait.
You back? Kay, good.
Work Experience- Talking To Kids About Animation
Alright so let’s start with the earliest thing. A couple blog entries ago, I mentioned that Stephanie had invited us to have a talk with some of the kids she teaches about the different kinds of animation that can be done. So on the 31st January, Ashleigh and I (Rachel wasn’t able to attend) made our way to Darlington to talk to the local primary school. It was quite a fun trip considering that I can be quite wary of kids sometimes. But they all seemed to behave themselves and any that got a little vocal were told to hush by the teacher. Ahh school days.
Ashleigh had made a PowerPoint for the occasion and we talked about what we knew, answering some questions (they all seem particularly interested in knowing how Halo was made... couldn’t exactly help them there!) and showing examples of our work and others. We also shared The Great Experiment with them, with Stephanie showing the artwork and characters she and the children created and the fnished result that Me, Ashleigh and Callum Boyd came up with. I'm gonna just share it again. Just because.
It was interesting visiting a school. I remember being one of those little kids listening to a visitor come in and give a talk so it was quite an experience being on the other side of that. They were sweethearts as well. One of the classes had a birthday boy and he gave Ashleigh and I a cake each, as well as the rest of the class. And a little girl wrote on her board saying “Goodbye Ash and Emma”. I then fell into a diabetic shock. Although that might be my diet talking.
We might be going back in April to help out with something. We shall see...
All Animated Meetup
A friend of mine sent me a link to this meetup, which brings animators of different disciplines together to share their work and experiences. It was free to attend but a ticket still needed to be printed and presented. Just last week, after college, I made my way down there and met other students and even some professionals. Everyone was extremely friendly and it was really interesting seeing everyone’s work. I decided to share you, dear blog, to the group, as well as my show reel. People seemed quite impressed with it and I got some very helpful advice about flash. They seemed to think I used it already, which I think is a good sign!
If anyone from that meetup is reading right now, hello there! It was nice to meet you! And if I didn’t actually speak to you, I hope to do so at the next meet up! I certainly intend on going to another in Newcastle.
Actually, you might as well watch this video (there are also other ones in the related videos bar at the side) where, if you’ve ever wondered what I look or sound like, this video will be your salvation. Or something. You can also laugh at me casually sticking a cup to my face!
Good times.
Results for Project Planning
Aaaawwww yeeeeeeeeah.
Like I said before, my aim is to get 60 or more in my modules and I was disappointed with my last results. My VIVA I didn't expect to do well in but for my Project Proposal essay, I was 2% off my goal! AAAGGHH! So much more satisfied this time.
Now onto the Project Development. As far as I'm aware, this module consists of a portfolio of progress. So While I'm not entirely sure what that entails, I'm just going to go with my gut instinct.
Development Portfolio
So far, I have a vague story planned out. However, I need to find out exactly how it's going to start, dialogue, what characters are going to be introduced first, when, how and so on. All that fun stuff. So there's a lot of writing rather than actual artwork being done at the moment.
And I do want to get more drawing done. I want to plan out comic pages, get more shirt designs done (I've decided to stick with the Birdbrained slogan for now- I can always do new slogans later), more character sheets for new characters and so on. But I do have some unfinished work to share, just so you know what I'm currently working on at the moment. Bear in mind, these are not final results and are subject to change here and there.
I also have a plan for how the Crumbs website might look but I'm unsure of sharing it yet. I may share rejected designs at a later date but the finished look will only be shared once the website is live.
Well, that's all I have for you right now. And, I'll tell ya, this blog entry took me over THREE HOURS to write. No, I'm serious, three hours. The college net isn't the fastest, finding the videos was a pain and of course having to upload the pictures to photobucket rather than directly to the site is just... dhdjkhdj
I'm going to drown myself in mocha now while I attempt more story planning. Have a good day!
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