Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Project Planning, Work Experience, Mum's Birthday Portrait and tumblr

Eek, my updates are slipping! I should really aim for once a week, twice tops. Assuming I actually have something to share obviously.

Anyway, the Project Planning Essay (capital letters for super importance) deadline is approaching and I've done two drafts. Thankfully Cecilia, my tutorial type person, seems to be happy with the majority of my writing, only suggesting I tweak a couple of small things or expand already made points a little bit more. I'm hoping my marks have improved since the Proposal module. I'm unsure though, this isn't the easiest to write about due to it not being as... ugh, mainstream I hate using that word now, no idea why just sounds so pretentious for some reason hipsters y u ruin words for me as many other disciplines. But I choose to be optimistic about this. Lets hope that pays off.

Next, we have the potential work experience that Ashleigh, Rachel and I have been arranging. We'll be working with Stephanie again, from the Big Draw project. We were supposed to go to Darlington to talk to the kids about animation but due to the floods in November, no trains would be going there. Now we've finally made arrangements to visit the school next Thursday and give a talk so we're looking forward to that!

Finally we have some actual artwork! As it was my Mum's birthday, I once again did my traditional drawing. However, it occurred to me that I hadn't drawn us all together as a family since 2006 and that was a crap 'Simpson-esque' style that looked nothing like the Simpsons. Damn, I should have included my dog, Frodo. Anyway, here is the finished result. I'm happy with how Mum came out the most. Myself I could take or leave. but I definitely need more practice drawing my Dad.

It went down a treat and it seems to have impressed everyone who's seen it so I consider this one a success! Or I will until next year when I look back at this and hate everything about it.

Oh, I should mention I have a tumblr! I have two and have done for like two years now oops one for artwork and the other for generally dicking around. I'm gonna share the former. Here it is!

... Huh, that makes sharing links looks MUCH tidier. Can't believe I never figured that out sooner.

See you all next time!

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