I'm hoping this will be my motivational drive to improve. I mean it;s quite hard to convey what I want to achieve in such an academic, especially as the tutors want to hear how you will earn sustainable income from this (pfftttBWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *sob*) but that aside, I've let my work and productivity slip since handing in the work, mainly due to...
Urgh. I've been feeling down.
Long story short, I can have intense mood swings that can make me feel like utter crap for DAYS. I can feel awesome one minute and just downright AWFUL about myself the next. And that... happened. Pretty badly. I manage to hide them because I don't want people to worry about me and think I have depression or something like that. I honestly don't. But I can feel bad about various things and it can knock me down for a good week or two. And because I'm a stupid stubborn moron with more pride than... a very prideful thing, I don't talk to anyone about it. And I'm still not. Because of the aforementioned reason.
But I think I'm coming out of it and I'm going to be much more productive with my work, college and otherwise. I'm hoping to avoid feeling that crumminess again. At least, not feel it again anytime soon.
Anyway enough of my bullshit, that's not why you're here at all! Here's a new picture that I've messed about with. Lets move on to that before I wimp out and delete that entire paragraph.
Wanted to dick around with a new eye style and try and improve on backgrounds a bit. I don't know what's up with that tree, maybe someone threw someone else into it. Or I can't draw trees yet. One of the two.
I want to try and dabble in things that aren't pigeon based. Draw more humans and other animals and animal people because that's fun to do. I also want to play my XBox more often
Oh, go see Rise of the Guardians, it's pretty bamf. Cliche in some parts but mostly awesome. Bunny is the best.
So yeah, onward to happier times and more productivity! I hope you're all feeling OK as well!
Big e-hugs, since I can't give you hugs personally at the moment. Well, I could, but I don't think you or your family would appreciate me knocking at this late hour. XD
ReplyDeleteI think I know how you feel. 2012's been a bit of a crappy year for a lot of people, and it could also be the cold and dark getting to you too. It does that. And though it's good to pretend to be cheerful you shouldn't be afraid to talk about your problems! You've always got my ear.
I sort of like the tree. The expression in the picture is a bit more indicative of how you might've been feeling while you've been working on it, and the tree looks like that too. Kinda flopping to one side and twisted oddly from the standard tree. I like it, I think it's interesting. :) The colours look a bit duller and more earthly than usual too, and I think it helps give it a little more weight and a little less bombasticness. (I promised myself I'd use 'bombastic' in a serious sentence one day, and this is that day. My life is complete.) <3
Thank you, m'dear <3
DeleteI appreciate that, sadly I am a stubborn twat that doesn't feel she can be sad because she wants to make everyone else happy. AND MAKING PEOPLE AWARE OF ME BEING SAD DOES NOT SPREAD HAPPY ajhskjh *flail* Basically, I am a silly goose. But I will bear this in mind.
I don't know what's going on with the tree, I felt like making it look odd I suppose. Odd tree is cool tree. But hey, you were the person able to find symbolic reasons for my pigeon's names and colours! XD
Bombastic is an awesome word :D
ReplyDeleteI know you've been down, and I'm glad that you're picking up and carrying on, but just remember that you're surrounded with people who care about you, like you, and want to see you succeed. You're going to be okay. Life has its moments, sometimes very tough, but those moments, and how we react to them, eventually bring us the experience we need to be more well rounded human beings...and better friends, too. Every hard lesson or hard time is also a learning experience...one that...when another friend goes through it, you can draw on your experience to help be there for them in their time of need, too. You'll help others and feel good about yourself as a result. And your art...it's going to touch lives...and it doesn't matter how many lives...even one person cheered up for helped in some way makes it all worth it.
I believe in you. And I'm not the only one.
Thanks so much, lovey. You're right in everything you say, both you and Rachel are <3 y'all are awesome.