Sunday, 4 November 2012

Crumbs Character Line Up

It only occurred to me recently that I hadn't drawn all of the main pigeons (or the 'breadwinners' as they'll be known... it'll make sense in context) together for some time now and definitely not with the new addition, Jay. So while doing sketches for their new character sheets, I figured I might as well do a lineup. I have to admit, I'm quite happy with how it came out, they don't look too shabby together!

I can definitely see the improvement from my previous work. Lets have a little comparison of the poster/lineup I did a few months ago, shall we?

Pretty different. The logo is it's own unique font and the pigeons look quite a bit better (at least in my opinion), with the shading making them come more to life and spring off of the page more. Also, Scarlet hasn't been written out, she will be showing up in the comic. She's just not a main character and I have a few ideas for her...

I'm also making more of an effort with my backgrounds as well. While the new lineart picture isn't really a good example of that, you'll definitely see improvement in work I will be uploading in the future. But as far as this goes, I wanted to give Crumbs something of a gritty dirty look, illustrated by the splatters of paint often on the ground. That isn't shown at all in the old lineup, apart from the horribly placed splat over the title. Meh.

While not terrible, I can safely say the new one is an improvement. Do you agree or not? Feel free to share your opinions and suggestions.

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