Monday, 29 November 2010

A Few Interesting Examples Of Character Animation

After watching the animations on the list I was given, I have picked a few that I would like to comment on. The animations on the list were examples of how characters were depicted in narrations and rhythms and how they made the animation effective. These were picked because I enjoyed how the animation and rhythm/narrative supported or even contrasted each other and, to be honest, they just made me laugh tons. Definitely going in my YouTube favourites when I get home.

Now, I simply HAVE to talk about this one, mainly due to the fact that I remember watching it years ago and giggling at it. After all, I was at that immature age where sex was funny (it still can be but I digress). Now, I am looking at it focusing mainly on the animation and how it flows. This was in the rhythm section as the bunny character is singing and moving along to the general rhythm of the song. The movements at times can be rather random, such as him bashing his head into the ground (although it could be said that this is the character's general frustration that he, if you'll pardon the phrase, isn't getting any), yet it is timed perfectly with the rhythm of the song. Its definitely meant to be amusing and even watching it now, I get a good giggle out of it.

This one is new to me but seems to be rather popular and talked about. I watched this with great amusement. This is my kind of humour really- tongue in cheek humour that makes you either gasp from shock or laugh from it. The animation is similar to cut out and could be seen as an old fashioned style of cartoon. The narration is similar to those associated with 50's voiceovers and adds massively to the humour in how he seems to react calmly, even cheerfully, to George's eventual decent into chaos. Despite a rather... grueseom ending I suppose, it is all very flippant and upbeat in its portrayal. Which just makes it brilliant in my opinion.

This is helpful because it gives me a better understanding of how narration and rhythm can work perfectly with animation to create an interesting and/or funny concept (obviously depending on the plot and what the animator wants to get across). In future projects, its good knowledge to keep handy.

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