Sunday, 15 September 2013

Crumbs is LIVE!

Yep, you heard right, it's actually online RIGHT NOW! Friggin' finally.

If you remember correctly, the comic will update every day for a week. So don't forget to come back tomorrow for the next page! Not that I'd let you all forget. To keep on top of updates, follow me on twitter and follow the Crumbs site if you have a tumblr account.

Click on the picture below for the page. Hope this is worth the wait!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Crumbs Upload Schedule Change

"Did she even share the original schedule on here?"
"I doubt it, she's not that bright..."

OK, so I have quite a few things to discuss art wise.

I had been planning on uploading Crumbs three times a week on a mon/wed/fri schedule as it seemed, at the time, to be frequent enough without resulting in a burnout. However, circumstances have changed and I am now involved in two quite big projects. One is a short collaborated animation with Ashleigh and Rachel that requires quite a bit of time and learning new techniques, at least in my case. The other I'm not entirely sure if I can go into too terribly much detail about just yet but it's paid work and I'd be a numpty not to prioritise that. I will say this though, pigeon illustrations are involved. Stay tuned for an update on that!

Crumbs is basically a project for myself that, at the risk of sounding all la-di-dah, I am using to explore my artistic capabilities. It's also going to encourage me to stay focused and disciplined on my art work, provide me with a project that I am completely in charge of and allow me to experiment with character development and storytelling. Also I wanted to create something with pigeons because pigeons are boss. But it is essentially a side project I have for myself and, while I hope to spend much more time on it someday depending on how things turned out, I have to have the aforementioned projects take priority.

Which means that the upload schedule for Crumbs has to change.

Here's how it's gonna work: The first seven pages I will upload once a day from the 15th September. Then from page 8, which will upload on the following monday after that week, the comic will upload weekly instead. Turns out I suck at building up buffers and, while I have the pages planned out, they are not ready to upload on a three-times-a-week basis. Also these two projects have been taking up a lot of my time and there's still a while to go before they're complete.

One day in the future, I hope to have the mon/wed/fri schedule back on track but for now, it's just not realistic. Things could change though, we'll need to see how things go but alas I cannot promise anything.

To make up for my crappery, I have a few new drawings to share. They've been on my art/ask blog Where The Crumbs Are Scattered for a while now but Its been a while since I shared anything on this blog. I've been slipping on my blog updates here, blimey.

Some Scarlet and Hope character interaction/designs.
I'm finally happy with how I draw Hope's fantail!
Dusty the Squab... type... thing. Its complicated.

So yeah, long story short, I have a ton of stuff to do and Crumbs has to take a back seat for the time being. But it will still upload on a regular schedule, just not the one I had planned. Don't worry chums, I'm far from giving up on it!