I'd have done a pre-drunken one but I wasn't anywhere near a computer for the entire day. Once I was, I was too drunk and too tired to do anything useful without collapsing and/or vomiting.
So all in all, a damn good night!
I got to college about half 10 in the morning, to check that all the art I wanted to put up was still there and because I was gonna lead other people to the venue. However, turns out Paul and Dave were still there with transport so there was no need to walk ridiculously far and fuck up our joints (which I only ended up doing later but we'll get to that in a bit). We got the artwork and boards and drove to the Star and Shadow. And then proceeded to wait about an hour or so before the door opened so we could set everything up.
While everyone else got started setting up the boards and putting up their artwork, Rachel and I walked to grab some edible things and to pick up her prints before walking back. Still no knee joint paint for me. YET. The rest of the day at that point consisted of organising everything we wanted to show, grabbing food and preparing ourselves for showing our work.
Yep, same setup as before. I'm so original. |
People's business cards and/or postcards. Can you find mine? |
Once we walked to meet various people that wanted to attend but didn't know the area (and it was about now that my knee began to hate me), the exhibition began. People came by, had a look at everyone's work, got some drinks and got chatting. I had a good chat from Ewan Brown from Cerebral Scars, who seemed very interested in the course, how I got into animation, what I use to create pictures and animations and so on. We spent some time chatting and exchanged business cards, which was awesome! I also caught up again with the fellows from Arcus Studios and had a good chat with them. You'll be seeing my pigeons again guys! They'll just most likely be a comic is all!
After Rachel's mum very kindly bought me a drink (which unknown to me then would be the first of many... eheh), the screenings began. Now, I was a tad miffed to find that my show reel had been cut and only my Crumbs trailer would be shown. I guess I wouldn't have minded as much if I'd been given warning. And it wasn't just me, a few people's show reels weren't included in the final screening. Hopefully they upload their stuff somewhere, I really want to see what everyone has done. But other than that, I was pleased to see all the hard work everyone put into their animations. I know for a fact that I want to see Lizard Cops on Youtube and Feathers of the Roc finished. GET TO IT, RACHELS! And I want to see the Fraiser Werp on vimeo some time this century, Marshall!
I was happy to have my very dear friend Hazel come by to the exhibition as well. It was a good laugh introducing her to my college chums. When worlds collide indeed! I think meeting Callum might have been an interesting part for her. Maybe she'll be the one to need counselling after that...
So yeah, one more screening, an empty badge box (people loved 'em! Maybe I'll make more...) and three more ciders later, the place cleared, the exhibition finished and Hazel and I grabbed a ride home. I learned quite a bit that night. Mainly Perry's sweet cider contains 3 units per bottle and I apparently talk posh when I'm drunk. This is good to know.
As for today, I've spent most of it in bed. While I wasn't to the point of being sick (yeah, I was kind of exaggerating earlier) I was extremely dehydrated and overall knackered. Although I did wake up for a couple of hours nearer 8am but then I fell asleep til about 4pm. I've also noticed that I ache, like, all over. Except my stomach, which had been hurting a few days prior because of my exercises. I'm blaming this twattery on all the walking I did. SO MUCH WALKING...
Well, I'm probably gonna fall back to sleep soon. I'm planning some productive things now that the exhibition is out of the way. I need to bulk up my show reel, damnit! So I'll leave you with this adorable thing I found on YouTube. I don't believe baby pigeons really look this cute if I remember correctly...
To anyone looking at the blog who came to the exhibition, thanks so much for coming! I hope you enjoyed yourselves <3