Friday, 25 May 2012

Final Show Makes Emma Buy Things (aka Ginger's A Pretty Girl)

Eek, looks like my constant bloggery is slipping. I'll work on that.

Basically, my productivity was at zero ever since the module wrapped up. I had no motivation to do anything other than sleep. But I feel myself getting out of that rut now which is good because Final Show preparations will be starting next week and I'll need to get working on how to present my portfolio and the little section I'll be given to showcase my stuff. Also I reeeeaally should finish the 3D Crumbs collectible model. Whoops.

I also need to change a few things with my 'Inktail' image. Dave didn't seem to like the tail, saying the blackness of it stood out too much, the arms needed to parallel that bit more and to change the background shadow to a more contrasting colour. I'll do this for the image I'll be using to present my work and show him different versions, asking which is best. I don't really want to lose the tail, maybe drop the whole ink thing from it instead. I'll work on that this weekend.

But other than that, I spent the day with Rachel, Ashleigh and Zoe buying lots of stuff. I caved into peer pressure and finally bought Skyrim. As well as Left 4 Dead 2, both for the XBox. I also have some new (well, preowned) PS2 games: Simpsons Road Rage, Grand Theft Auto and... of all things, Mr Bean. I didn't even know he had a game. That'll be interesting.
I also got Catching Fire and Mockingjay in the Hunger Games series. As well as a copy of Balto on DVD for £4 which was a total steal.

But we're not here to talk about my shopping related shenanigans (I really should set up a second blog for all the pointless tat like that...)

I wanted to show off how lovely Ginger is looking today. I think it's because someone else drew her.
One of my favourite artists on deviantArt is offering commissions for very reasonable prices. I had some dosh on hand and had always liked Stephastated's work so I took the opportunity.
I just can't get over how adorable Ginger looks right now. What a sweetie! She looks good in Stephanie's style, so happy and fuzzy and sweet. Thanks for drawing her, Steph!

You should all totally check her stuff out! Hop to it, y'all!

And now to end with a totally pointless .gif showing what movie I saw with my friends a couple of days ago.

Totally didn't steal the .gif from you, Rachel. Nope. Not at all.

... heheh. Puny god.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

More Bounty!

I should probably have a separate blog to upload the pointless, non animation related stuff to. I think the only reason I haven't by now is because I don't have a big enough ego to assume people actually give a rats ass what I do outside of cartooningeringering. 'Til then, here's a couple of really crummy photos of the last of my eBay orders. Mum wasn't impressed with having to answer the door to a huge ass box at ten past seven in the morning. Since when did the postman deliver that goddamn early?

I really need to get a better camera as well. The Blackberry sucks at this sort of thing.

Then again, I suppose you could kind of say these things are animation related, at least as far as I'm concerned. My Little Pony and Lilo and Stitch have been a big source of inspiration in my work so it makes sense that I'd want to have the occasional (plentiful) muse from both things here and there. Although admittedly, the main reason is I just like to collect this stuff and just need a decent excuse to do so.

And money. Lotsa money.

Anyway, might as well mention any work I've done the past few days. Which is none. After handing all my work in, my brain seemed to literally switch off and I slept for days, running on auto pilot. I think I'm going to need to come to terms with the fact that this is a regular occurrence after finishing projects and just leave a few days open for sleeping, skyping, various daily necessities and then sleeping again. I think I'm starting to get out of that funk now though as I've felt that doodlin' itch start to come back. I'm repressing it for now as I know if I do, I'll doodle endlessly as soon as I get to pencil to paper. If I drew now, I'd get frustrated that it wasn't turning out right and then give up for another few days which is the exact opposite of what I want.

But yeah, I will try to keep this blog more so about my work and less so about the awesome stuff I got off the internet. After all, my fabulousness isn't what I'm getting marked on, right?


... I'll go now.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

So True

So very, very true.

Now for the older relations of the family to start thinking about Final Show. Don't worry first years, you'll get to it some day. You lucky dogs...

Oh, and this is totally the conundrum I'm facing right now.

I love you, Art Student Owl.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Crumbs Trailer and Show Reel Complete!

About sodding time as well.

OK so... remember last entry when I was all like "Aw hell yeah, all my shit's finished, I can goof off now"? Yeah, no. Turns out I'd forgotten to, not only add a few things, but to burn the animations to the disc. The disc was BLANK. What the H.

So I had to do a few last minute thing-a-ma-jiggers, namely print out some Oddco related shenanigans and some storyboards. But this delay ended up being quite the blessing in disguise. For you see, this meant I could improve the trailer and show reel by adding fade in/outs and taking sound away when needed. They're much better now and I can put them on this blog while actually being proud of them at the same time!

And at last... at long last... here are the fruits of my labour.

Hardcore trailer for not hardcore pigeons. I'm funny.

I'm glad I was able to add the fade out/ins. They might be a tad overkill but to be honest, that's kind of the point. I wanted to give it a kind of dramatic angle that it didn't deserve. Lets face it, lots of trailers do that *bricked*

Now to finally fill up that show reel tab! Today is a gooood day...

Insert more witty ramblings here; I'm going to sleep for the next... always.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Evaluation For The Nation

/pathetic attempt to rhyme

Well... I'm nervous to say this in case I've missed anything big out but it looks as if I'm finished. My portfolio work is printed out with annotations, my PPD is printed out, my show reels and the Crumbs trailer added to a disc... it seems all the necessary things are there. Then again, you tell me.

However, as the blog is being marked along with the PPD despite being much too big to print out (especially mine... nearly at 200 entries. Cripes.) I figured it would be helpful to do an evaluation of all my work on here, maybe glancing over the course as a whole. I've had a great time on this course, working on all the various projects and expanding my skills in many areas. I've learned where my strengths are, where my weaknesses are and what potential careers to pursue in the industry. I've made a lot of good friends, been given a lot of fun opportunities, such as Pictoplasma, the Oddco brief and 'This is Not an Exit', and basically learned a lot of very useful and helpful things that I won't forget anytime soon.

There's gonna be a bit of writing. For those marking my work, I advise you read it cos I kind of forgot to print this out. Derp. Also when you're done, scroll to the bottom of the blog. You might find some hungry fish that could use some feeding.

For starters, I know my strengths are definitely in character design and traditional/2D animation, although I've also gotten quite good at marketing skills and creating posters. I think I've got an eye for a good layout depending on what's being advertised. I've also had great fun creating concept art, exploring how a character interacts with their environment and with others. In short, I think I enjoy being someone who not only creates a character but also who they are, breathing life into them.
As well as animation though, I also enjoy making illustrations for stories and comic art, more of which you'll hopefully see this summer.

Looking into potential careers (we'll exclude runner as that one's a given for first entering the industry), I believe I'd enjoy animating (obviously) but also inbetweening would be a good option, as well as storyboard art (which I haven't explored as much as I'd like admittedly, preferring to launch into an animatic for my own work to see how the movements work) so I belief working on that would be a good idea over the summer as well. Character design is a must for aforementioned reasons. concept art as well and digital painting being a skill I've developed over the past few years. I've also been considering illustration as a career or comic design, using Crumbs as a way to experiment with the two before coming to a concrete idea.

Now, moving onto this past project. The trailer is complete and will be uploaded to the blog tomorrow. If I were to change anything about it, I'd probably find a screeching noise for when Tweak slides down the pole (believe me, I tried. I just couldn't find anything anywhere) and maybe a louder splat for when the pigeon poo splats on the title. I think maybe fadeout/ins would be quite expressive as well but unfortunately I didn't know how to do such a thing. I'm hoping that I'll have learned these skills in time for This is Not an Exit, where I plan to have a longer trailer, this time with voices and this time revealing more of the story. The animation priority however, will be with the new project that I've mentioned a couple of times now. I'll work on some storyboards in the next few weeks.

Moving onto the show reels. Let me tell you, THAT was fun to do, particularly the long one. It took two hours to render eight minutes. And I had to do this twice as a little bit through the first render, After Effects began to crash and my laptop... Callum if you're reading this, don't laugh; your life depends on it... blue screened. So I sat there for two hours waiting for the full reel to render. When it finally did, I was quite happy with the result. I only wish there was a way for me to mute the audio on the clips as they sometimes overlapped with the music on the reels. This was particularly a problem for the edited show reel as, well, it was edited. I want to go back and fix that before I upload it to the Show Reel tab for all to see and also before final show in a few weeks.

Now, the portfolio work. For the most part I'm happy with it, although I wish all of the pictures would print correctly. I tried to print them twice and got the same problem. Either the printer is messing up or it just didn't like those colours. Brandon said it was probably because the printer was on a setting that made it save ink, which is pointless because people will just try to print out the picture again if it goes wrong. Logic? What's that?
But at least most of my pictures came out beautifully. I wish all of them could have but hey ho. Besides, I uploaded them to the disc alongside the animations so they could be seen as well.
As far as researching portfolios went, I've taken on board what I could do with my own. While paper portfolios are good, I think it would be a good idea to also have a digital way of presenting my work as well. One idea I'm toying with is PDF files, or maybe a new tab on this blog. If I knew how, I'd make my own portfolio website to present my best work. There are so many ideas that I can now take into account after learning about them which has been extremely helpful.

But yeah, long story short, I'm finito. And if I were to say so myself, it's looking goooood. After this I'm going to work on sorting out the edited show reel and try to find out how to add fade in/ fade outs to the trailer in time for final show, start planning other stuff for final show, storyboard my new project, get back to work on the 3D model for Crumbs collectables and finally start properly planning out the Crumbs webcomic. It's happening people. Even though it won't be released until the animation is complete, it'll be in development. Aww yeah.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Relevant to my Interests

... maybe I should have a separate blog for non drawing/animating stuff?

Then again, this kind of relates. Sort of. The bag particularly. For the design was done by Gemma Correll who is fast becoming one of my favourite illustrators after finding out about her at Pictoplasma last month. I already got one of her tote bags when I went to Berlin, the Pugs before Drugs one. So when I saw this particular one on her online shop, I couldn't resist.

And when I saw that Pinkie Pie necklace on eBay, I couldn't resist that either. I'll be showing off both tomorrow. I have so much swagger I could die.

And take all of you with me.

I so would.


Oh yeah, PPD stuff is pretty much done and dusted now. Thank GOD. And the trailer has been edited to work better together. All that's really left to do now is add the final few sound effects and render the trailer, put that and both show reels on a disc, sort out how I'm going to present my portfolio and do that, do the portfolio commentaries and evaluation, scramble to finish the portfolio/show reel research that I just remembered I still have to do bugger bugger FUCK.

... the only reason I'm going to bed tonight is because I'm a driver now and don't want to fall asleep behind the wheel tomorrow. I'm doing this for all the ungrateful bastards on the road who won't acknowledge my pain. BLAME THEM. Jerks.

*grumble* Come on everypony, smile smile smile, fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine...


Remember that picture I mentioned last night? The one that for some reason kept switching the colours on me? Well I finally got that crap sorted out today and was able to complete the picture.
I wanted to colour that loopy armed doodle of me that I sketched in Berlin. You remember the one. Basically it was a non coloured, sketchy version of this:

And because of the style, I decided to do a black and white version as well.

I'm quite happy with both versions personally! Now the question is... which one goes into the portfolio...

Speaking of, I should have that complete by the end of tomorrow. Or rather, I'm praying to have this done by tomorrow. Serious praying time needed. And I don't even do that sort of thing. I'm not good at this whole Catholic business.

See, I'm unsure of whether or not I need to have it printed a certain way. A3 seems the most likely route to take but it also seems the most expensive. I'll pop in tomorrow and see Dave about it I suppose. I also want to figure out how to do a PDF (yeah, it's PDF, Emma you twat) version and I'm considering doing a portfolio tab here to show work alongside my Crumbs, Underdogs and college projects. Namely this piece as it doesn't actually fit into any of those categories.

I guess I'll think that one out in more detail. For now, I should really get cracking on finishing this PPD nonsense. Or maybe first editing the trailer to make it run smoother. Yeah, I'll do that.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

I Got The Touch...

I got the powaaaaaahhhhhh-


I'm pretty much done with both my show reels and nearly done with the Crumbs trailer! Once I figure out how to do fade out/fade ins, I'll make it look immense. You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE.

Here's a little screencap of the sequence I needed to finish.

Daww, isn't Blue precious?
Now that the animationy sort of stuff is out the way for the most part, I need to get cracking on the PPD junk, getting it printed out. Oh, and I need to print stuff out for my portfolio now? Oy. I'd rather just do a PFD file or whatever it's called but it seems we can't really do that for some daft reason. Guess I'll get to that at some point this week.

I also need to still do the annotations and commentary for my portfolio. So all in all, I do still have quite a lot to do but the writing up I can more or less blast through so I'm not that concerned. I'd do a to-do list but to be frank, the old brain has declared the time to be 'fuck-this-shit-o'clock'. I'll work on that tomorrow.

I wanted to finish a picture I did and share it with you guys but it seems Photoshop is playing tricks on me, making the colour lighter than I'd picked it, turning reds into pinks. I'm too frazzled to deal with it now so I'm not going to. Instead, I'll just render out the show reels and see how they play out before putting them on discs.

In the meantime, here's a crummy blackberry photo of two new ponies I ordered from eBay. Also featuring Bikini Rabbid. This picture has nothing to do with anything but I'm only gonna say this once: your mom.


Friday, 4 May 2012

May the 4th Be With You

Haha, I'm funny.

Another week has passed and this time I think I've been much more productive than before (although that could be because of all the various animating I've done). Not only have I gotten headway with my Crumbs frames, I've also gotten started on a whole new project that I hope to get on with once I get the trailer for Crumbs finished.

Now yeah, this new project. Part of me really wants to reveal something of it, another part of me doesn't; make it a surprise if you will. However, I'm really proud of the amount of work I've done on it so far which isn't much admittedly but a lot for in the space of three days. So far, I've done a sketchy opening sequence, lip sync work and some colour tests.

But because I'm so super kind, I'll release this screencap. It doesn't really make sense out of context anyway so no one will really know what the hell's going on.

And because I'm feeling super generous, here's a sketch of my Underdogs characters, Ruby and Ginger, high fiving. I think this is what I might use for the speed paint. Watch this space...

Introducing Ruby's alternate hairstyle!

So yeah, to recap, that's more crumbs sequences done and a little bit of the new project... I've also gotten started on the 3D work for my toy, which I will continue after next week, I've organised my portfolio, I've done a presentation on my PPD work which I will present later today and I've done a teaser poster for Crumbs. Because it seemed fitting to do so after deciding to make a trailer.

So quite a bit there. Now to decide what exactly I have to do left.

Last PPD stuff
Still life/life drawing sketches
Speed painting
Finish Crumbs sequences
Edit trailer
Create complete show reel (animations from start to finish)
Complete edited show reel (best bits)
Print out portfolio work- research of portfolios, pictures, commentary of pictures, evaluation
Print out Oddco toy designs, elevations and presentation
Print out PPD presentation

Not as much as before! Hurrah! I'm getting there!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The One Where Emma Drinks Caffeine And Draws. Which is EVERY SODDING ONE.

It now seems I have gotten to a part in my life where the people who work at the college cafe know exactly what I want to order. I'm not entirely sure whether that's a good thing or not. Ashleigh seems to think it shows I have an addiction. Eh. There could be worse ones.

... I'm already craving my second mocha. Bollocks.

Anyway, onto my progress. I'm putting the 3D work on the backburner until after next week. After all, my portfolio, PPD and animation stuff need to be taken care of first due to the upcoming deadline. Speaking of, I've gotten another short sequence done.

While I'm still on this note, I should talk about the progress of the Crumbs animation. Now, it seems pretty damn unlikely at this point that I will be able to complete the entire animation. I mean, I have less than two weeks left so to try and finish the entire thing in such a limited amount of time is not only undo-able but total suicide.

SO. Instead, I am going to make a trailer of the animation. That way, I can show the work I HAVE done and kind of gain people's interest and peak their curiosity, making them want to see more. It would be good marketing for both the animation and the comic, especially as I don't plan on launching said comic until after the animation is complete and released.

However, as much as I love pigeons, working on them all the time can be a HELL of a drag. Drawing the same stuff time after time can drive you mad and I'm no different. So I do honestly try to draw something different but when I do, I accidentally end up doodling Blue or Green or one of the others anyway. Which gave me inspiration for... dare I say it... a new project...

I'm not going to go into detail just yet with it. I've done a little sequence but I don't want to release anything committal until I'm absolutely certain I'll go through with it. This is just a side project that will help keep me being productive when I can't face drawing pigeons for a while.

So maybe this screenshot isn't the best to show as it completely contradicts everything I've just said. All I can really say right now is, it's kind of about pigeons but it mostly isn't.

... yeah, I caved and bought a mocha before finishing this blog entry. I regret nothing.