Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Can it be... have I DONE it...?

Expect blog update about Pictoplasma in the next few days. But for now, I have to report that I, Emma Friel, might not suck as badly at 3D as I had originally thought.

I'd left the country, leaving 3D Frodo without a right ear and without fingers. That all changed when I came back and decided to have most, if not all, of the character model complete today and then I will be able to focus on rigging the model tomorrow, although no doubt I'm gonna need help on that front. Either way, I have something to talk about for the powerpoint presentation in two days (yeah, thanks for dropping that one like a brick on us all, David! I more or less whipped something up earlier today but still, not cool!)

Frodo is now completely capable of hearing, free of mitten hands and no longer creeping me out with his headless body. Now he's only creeping me out with his eyeless head on top of his no longer headless body. That will be remedied in time of course. Rigging comes first.

Its always fun to select the mouth faces and make his mouth move. I've been guilty of doing that rather than continuing to model him. You can't blame me though, its fun!

Here we have a nice angle of his face. I'd only put his head in the hyperNURB hence why the body is still blocky.

Underneath, we have the (hopefully!) complete model of Frodo from all angles, similar to his original model sheet. The final piece has turned into something different and I feel the need to redraw the model sheet. Most likely if I have time later on.

I couldn't resist putting this screencap in. I'm a huge fan of David OReilly's work and when I put Frodo out of the HyperNURBS, I couldn't help but think that he looked almost like a character OReilly could have created. Funnily enough I had just finished watching The External World for the umpteenth time.

These screencaps I'll add in the presentation and hopefully tomorrow I'll get started on the rigging. Thats going to be much harder apparently. If I had this much trouble creating the damn thing, I'm probably gonna be scunnered to make it move. Oh well.

Yes and that Pictoplasma blog is on its way. I'm more than happy to share my experiences, believe me!