Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Well, I've been working on my 3D model for all of this week and last and let me tell you, its been something of a palaver to say the least. I had no idea what to do and needed help to get started. What resulted was a very blocky version of my Frodo. VERY blocky.

Hideous. Utter hideous. I wasn't too upset about the design though as I had a hunch any attempt of 3D animation I would create would crash and burn in flames. Sounds a tad harsh but I can be rather self critical when I need to be (not that I think I'm God's gift to the animation world in general but I'm sure you get my point).

Anyway, thats not what bugged me. What DID bug me was when the file would refuse to change anything when I tried to make any changes, how a huge clustereff of dots appeared around every point and the fact that since nothing would work, even when Dave took a look at it, I had to start the whole thing from scratch. To say I was miffed was kind of an understatement.

However, I try not to stay in a fit of McDonalds fueled sadness for long (seriously, that McDonalds was good) and decided to look at the positive. I hadn't liked my model at all, thinking it was too bulky and not the cartoonesque skinny Frodo that I often doodled. The legs and arms in particular had bugged me for this reason. So now this was my chance to try and recreate that.

I tried other methods this time. Rather than use the extrude tool, I tended to give the cubes I used segments to try and give the character shape when need be, especially the back and waist.

The arms and legs are on their way to getting thinner and more cartoon like. I even managed to add in the tail this time and separated the ears further from the head so that I'll be able to make them flap during movement. The snout looks much better as well. However, I still had some issues with this version of the puppet, such as the body shape. It makes him look like he is slouching and thats not what I want for his character. He's more energetic and confident so I needed to modify his stance. I also didn't like how thick his neck was. It seemed out of proportion with the rest of the body.

Today, I have made better progress although again I needed a lot of help. Hands and feet are now added. The body has been seen in the hyperNurb setting and looks great. Originally, it looked like a starving animal, ribcage included. There was a lot of bother with the body, getting everything to be smooth. Even Dave was having trouble and both of us spent the majority of an hour scratching our heads over it. It was EVENTUALLY sorted after a lot of trial and error on Dave's part (Thanks again!)

He also started me off on the dog's face, advising me to redo it in a dot-to-dot method to avoid having to join a lot of cubes together. I might need to get more help on it tomorrow as I'm having some trouble with it but as you can see, I put the two files together to see how they would look and I see it as a HUGE improvement from the original file. Some bits still need tweaking but I'll be a wagon wheel if it doesn't at least look a bit better than it did originally.

Sorry I've been starving you, bloggy. I shall feed you more often.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

I'm working! Honest!

Like you've got room to talk Frodo! ... literally!

I actually had this idea for a comic in my head for a while. When we looked at 3D character animations, I found out that one of the animators lived as a cat in order to be able to animate his character effectively. I found the idea too interesting and funny to pass up.

Its kind of random and scribbily but its just a quick comic and since it relates to the project somewhat, I figured I'd share. Expect more of these as I vent my frustrations. There shall be many venting.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Need Music?

Then look no further!

Over the weekend, I discovered the works of Kevin Macleod, who makes royalty free music and uploads it on his site for other people to use. I've already downloaded a few and I love what I'm hearing. He has created various sounds for various genres using various instruments to create various tones and emotions. Basically theres a lot of variety!

Here is the link to the website and a few of the tunes:
If you're in need of something to create atmosphere or to support a characters emotion, I'm almost certain you'll  find something here.

Also, another Rabbids video. Sorry but I just rediscovered this song and daggummit I'm sharing it.

Raving about Rabbids

Again, wasn't able to come in today and I'm worried that I am behind. I'm aware that people have started modelling their 3D characters and done storyboards whereas I haven't and have barely any ideas to storyboard. I'm definitely going to be in tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to chat to David or Paul about my concerns.

Anyhow, while I may not have made it to college, that isn't going to stop me from blogging, no sir. One thing useful about watching other peoples blogs and reading them is to help me see what we did first thing Monday so that I can get chugging along with it and from what I can tell, we were told to look at three more 3D character animations.

As we're only creating a character and making them move with no scenery involved, I figured it would be helpful to watch animations that only feature characters and how one can determine their personality. My first thought immediately goes to some of my favourite characters, the Rabbids, as they have been featured in some animations that lack scenery, only showing their interactions with each other.

And yes, I KNOW these are video game characters but these are just a simple example. And Rabbids make me happy.

Since Raving Rabbids was mainly a Wii game up to this point, that explains why the Rabbid is trying to make the game interact moving his body (also not taking into account the fact that the TV is off but hey, no one said these bunnies were particularly smart).

Here's an advert of the Rabbids actually playing their own game. I liked this because it also shows that the Rabbids can concentrate and be serious about something, yet still playful and mischievous, trying to put the other players off or taunting them for not winning the level. I liked the interactions shown and it makes the game look very inviting and fun to play (which it is!)
Poor Rayman being squished by that falling sofa though. I still love that limbless little guy. I should attempt to draw him some time.

Because who hasn't wanted to blow up a bunny before?
Another interaction with the Rabbids but this time with their trademark insanity, screaming and chasing each other with plungers. Not much to say about this one although I can't help but find the announcers calm tone when encouraging the user to burn bunnies hilarious. And slightly disturbing.

In all these interactions, there has been a prop, namely the controller for a video game console. This is to be expected of course as the Rabbids are video game characters and all of the animations here are advertising the games and what consoles they can be played on. However, it also gives one some ideas on how props can be used to show the characters personality, such as how they use them to attack other characters or how they react with other characters in general, the second example being a great example to this. This has given me something of an idea to work on with my own character.

Oh, I drew this to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit... a month late. What do you guys think?

And eh, what the hell, on a less analytical level, here's a few of my favourite Rabbid videos. Because we can all use a chuckle, am I right?

This video right here was the first one I broke into fits of laughter over. The few I saw beforehand interested me but didn't give me the belly laugh this one did. I would LOVE a Rabbid scream ringtone, seriously.
And I actually did think the Rabbids could fly when I first saw this. It as like "What, really? They can? Man, thats awe- OHH they got me!"

This one was the second most hilarious. When the woman kicks the Rabbid offscreen, it kills me every time. Must be my sick twisted sense of humour. I laughed when they burned the bunny in the previous video sooo...

... this one just speaks for itself. I have nothing to say that could possibly add to this.
Also, I once drew an Edward Cullen Rabbid long before I saw this video and to my surprise I more or less hit the nail on the head with his design.

See? Mine's sparkling though. Sparkle sparkle.

Its actually amazing how Rabbids can cheer you up, or me at least. I started typing up this blog feeling apprehensive about things but after watching these videos I just feel a lot better. Either says a lot about the Rabbids or a lot about my simple mind; either way, I feel happier than I did earlier.

I'm still waiting on that Rayman 4 though. No hurry Ubisoft but that would be friggin sweet.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Screenings of 3D Character Work

Over the past few days, we have had a look at some more 3D work. I found this very interesting and helpful because it gives ideas for how characters can move, what designs can be used and also supports the theory that good graphics aren't always needed for the viewer to feel emotion.

Take the above animation for example, Please Say Something. This is by David O'Reilly, who has created quite a few obscure but interesting animations. We had viewed three of his animations and out of all of them, this one interested me the most. The story is told through the actions of the 3D cat and mouse pixellated characters who are in a relationship, and we are shown quick blips throughout of their life together, which we see isn't always a happy one and the two often clash heads, yet still love each other. The story is told by meows and squeaks which are subtitled, very little music and sound effects. Very simplistic, yet the story touched me and the morals hit close to home; not taking for granted the people you love.

Its certainly true that good graphics can help a story and are always enticing to look at, but the truth is, it isn't always needed. For example, when the car topples over, the fire shown is merely red and orange squares floating upwards and the sound effect of flickering flames. The same reactions happens for the audience- they feel worry and fear for the characters. They feel sadness when they think the cat is dead and get emotional when the mouse is about to kill himself. Or this could just be how I feel. Regardless, these were the emotions while seeing the animation and I was happy to have it end the way it did, with the couple taking on board what they have learned and going about their life together.

Now, onto some of the works that we looked at this morning.

Catzilla from tokyoplastic on Vimeo.

This was one of the pieces done by TokyoPlastic, who seem to create a lot of characters with some large and/or unusual attributes. Adorable characters are often used, such as the examples I have above and below. Catzilla is about a cute little kitten that is dreaming of destroying a city and breathing fire. Its an amusing idea because its not something that you'd expect a cute little kitten to dream about. Makes one think outside the box a little bit. Not only that but the attention to the fur detail is amazing.

The Little Fella from tokyoplastic on Vimeo.

This little piece created by the same group amused me because I really liked how the movement kept with the beat and how in sync everything was. Also Chihuahuas are adorable. Even freaky ones like this one that like to pop their eyes out occasionally. Its very grotesque in its detail but thats what makes it so perfect I think.

Meet Buck from TeamCerf on Vimeo.

I absolutely LOVE the character design and animation in the one. The pacing of it is just incredible and the characters are wonderful in how they look and act. Everything adds to the story here, the pacing, setting, action, tone, mood, music and so on. And the story is random yet hilarious, with the deer falling in love with the hunters daughter. Then again, I assume some guys will be able to relate with the whole tension with the father in law. He views you as a piece of meat kissing his little girl! Thats why he comes after you! He's hungry!

Gluko & Lennon ENG from Gluko & Lennon on Vimeo.

And this one... god, what can I say about this one. The two main characters reminded me a little bit of Spongebob and Patrick and I could see them in an absurd situation as this. Gluko and Lennon have to help a superhero get his cape back. Thats the gist of the... plot, although thats loosely said. Not that I'm criticising because I LOVED this. It was so insane,so funny and just... yeah, see for yourself! And I liked the animation used as well. It appears 2D at forst glance but as you watch, you can really see the 3D work.Its stunning.

So here was a quick summary of my favourite animations from the past few days. I'll update with more when I come across and learn about them. I feel that this knowledge has helped my research a ton and will be a valuable asset to my essay.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

You can upload sketches you've done for fun, eh?

Well in that case, this blog might get updated a little more often!

I have provided a link to my dA page but I dunno if people have looked at it much or not (I know Paul has, who I thank wholeheartedly!) but with this new knowledge in mind I've decided to upload some pictures I've done of Frodo for fun! Consider it character development! Then again it kind of is anyway.

The above image is a doodle I did while we worked on in the previous module but I liked it so much I wanted to take it home and colour it in my markers. This was to portray the relationship of Frodo and his owner (me). We get on for the most part but I have a tendency to baby him; not to the extent of dressing him in baby booties but by calling him baby names, hugging him and never letting go, blahblah. Also he hates his lead. But he never behaves himself during his walks. So he's bloody well wearing it. Mmkay? Mmkay.

This picture was one to show Frodo and Ruby (one of my oldest characters) relationship, which falls into the best friend/brother and sister kind. They get on well, have known each other for years and can have debates over various issues/video games for hours to come. There's no chance of a romantic relationship for these two though for those wondering. Ruby is taken and Frodo prefers his girls in the more lacking in clothes department. Then again, what man doesn't.

This sketch I included in the previous module but scanned in and coloured in photoshop (lineart done using the PENCIL tool in Illustrator. The one that doesn't suck). This is to show how Frodo and the Cat react to each other and as you can see here, it borders on the line of domestic violence (or rather drives a tractor over the line but thats beside the point). I did some sort of anime motion thing for the background which seems effective. I like the expressions and the motion as well.

Last but not least, this picture was done in my spare time, more so to introduce the two new characters but as it includes Frodo, might as well upload it. These people (and a dragon character who I'm still designing and developing) are who he hangs out with the most. I'll maybe draw and share them with you lot!

Anyway yes, there are just a few of the images I have done featuring this fellow! I have many more that I might share in the future. Til then everyone!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Venturing onto Pastures New

As we have now moved on from our E4 idents and are beginning to watch and comment on everyone's work, we have been given the next and final task of the year. We have been given the task of developing our character studies from the AD102 project further and turning them 3D. Not only this but we have to make their movements and actions tell the viewer about the character and their personality.

I think the planning, storyboarding and sketching will be the easiest bit. I know the character very well, having based him off of my dog and developed him through the art and stories I'm planning for my series. The 3D work will definitely be a real kick in the butt. I'm expecting to need a lot of help with it.

I also want to redo a few things from my previous project, mainly Frodo's measurement sheet. I don't like how it came out at all and I feel I could have done better with it, but that shouldn't take too much time to do. I want to keep well on top of my development work and hopefully keep it up to the standard I had from my previous project. I feel writing this blog has really helped with that.

One thing we need to do is research 3D animators and their work. One thing to get us started is watching the newly created 3D animation, Cat Shit One. Now, with a title like that, I could only expect one thing. And I'm sure you'll know what that is. However, I was very surprised with the characters involved and the situations that arose in the animation. Rabbits fighting terrorist camels isn't something that one comes across every day. And cute bunnies carrying guns... it shouldn't have interested me but it did.

Anyhow, I loved the character designs, the rabbits looked adorable and the camels looks threatening and dangerous, so the audience could tell which side they wanted to be on. The rabbit characters themselves are different in their fur patterns but also in their mannerisms, with one being more bold and hardened by war and the other more timid yet able to fight. Little things like this can open the door to a character's personality, what makes them unique.

I think looking at these animations will be very helpful in finalizing my characters look and personality. I feel I've learned a lot from today alone. Although obviously there is much to do!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Ident Poster 2

I find these posters more fun to do than I should.

I figured why not advertise it a little bit more, since the ident is now finished and can be seen on YouTube. Also I liked the wolf's pose from the storyboard and was a little miffed about not being able to use it in the animation (although the scream is a lot funnier methinks). As well as that, Little Red gets to walk off victoriously in this poster. But don't worry. I'm sure the wolf will get his own back on her soon...

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


The finished product!

And it says 11 seconds on YouTube but only because it seems to have skipped the number 10 for some reason. Very odd indeed.

But now I appear to be done with the animation! Now all I need to work on is AD102 writeups and morph and the writeup for this project. Hoping for everything to be done for tomorrow night! Fingers crossed everyone!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Animation Complete

Yes. I, Emma Friel, have completed the animation part of the ident.

Here's Red kicking the wolf in the nads to celebrate.

I managed to complete all my frames around 7pm tonight. To make sure the frames worked, I pieced them together, as I do, in Animation Shop 3. And its exactly 10 seconds long.

Boo. Yah.

I had to change a few things from my earlier plans although what you will see is just as good. Mainly how the wolf reacts to his attack. Originally he was going to scream while on the ground and roll around in pain while the cookie he dropped on the ground was going to be the logo. However, I've had him eat the cookie before Red kicks him and after she does, he screams, drops to the ground unconscious and the cookie lies unaffected on his tongue, a transitional close up on it being the portrayal of the logo. I find that also adds to the humour in a way as well.

Tomorrow, I hope to have the animation completely finished, finito, done, so I can get cracking on my other module and this project writeup. I need to add sound to the animation, many of which I have acquired from free download sites. I will probably need a bit of help to add the sound. Does After Affects do this? I feel using that would be tons easier than using windows movie maker and then converting the file half a million times.